Saturday, June 7, 2014

The mislabeling of anonymous as a terrorist group and the NDAA. Bad things to allow in a free country

Ask yourself this. Why did the government automatically jump to calling the group anonymous terrorists for simple criminal acts. Ask yourself why the word terrorist was abused to attack a group of people simply fed up with the spread of communism and constant infringements on the right to assembly in America. Ask yourself why they were labeled as terrorists when they should have been labeled as criminals. Would it have been OK to have called MLK a terrorist? It's a communist word used to disrespect and bypass our nations principles as well as it's founding documents. Does anyone buy the rhetoric anymore. Should we allow such rhetoric and defamatory language by media and officials in our nation?We should voice our dislike of language such as that to our representatives, media as well as our friends and family's.

Anonymous, a simple activist group which sometimes broke laws as civil disobedience just as Martin Luther King did was labeled a terrorist group. Afraid of the implications of the NDAA yet? Maybe the fact that our state run media of which controls what the people in our nations first impression of different groups is socialist will get your attention. Will you be next? Socialists are known for attacking cultural customs, free speech, collectors(hoarders as they put it) as well as many other disadvantaged groups without a voice. They disenfranchise innocent Americans. Will you speak out against the NDAA?

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