Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mainstream media's coverage of national tradgedy's, Some attack Seth Rogen and talking about everything BUT bully culture

 The rodger Situation and MSM's coverage of National tragedy's:
Reply's to RT video:

 I will tell you what helped cultivate it, mainstream media and our devolved culture. And wow sounded really racist. Heard some people compare this to how they portrayed Trayvon's killer as white. To analyze what the guy has said then look at what is allowed on our Mainstream media you see what happened here. Where this came from. The guy was out of touch and desperate. To blame free speech is the atrocity. I think that MSM is partly to blame in that maybe some of their broadcasting hate of the male may have led to this guys mindset. Don't forget the virgin shaming and these sides of our culture that are shown in Much of the programing of today. Don't use this to push feminism and free speech restrictions.
This is what our media causes, our media that pushes sex, all the while pushes virgin shaming and made this kid think that he had to have sex to be happy. All I have to say is wow. Wow, how many delusional people are out there that want to dance on the bones of the dead, including his victims by exploiting this situation and not talking about this or changing our behavior or our cultures negative ways and letting the dead rest. I think it's a matter of both feminism and the devolved culture, we want to either immaculate men or allow for the mistreatment of women, nothing in between. More of this extreme side taking. Could we just be mature as people for a bit and allow conversation without using the dead to push ideology?

Reply to the Seth Rogen Issue:

 It is not Seth Rogen to blame. It is many others, including feminists and virgin shaming. A plethora of people. Don't attack the cultural people. Censorship is not a game to play either. What do people do they attack the artwork, not the cultural problem. Idiots. Stop taking my words out of context and actually do something meaningful, stop blaming films, supporting censorship and blame the little sick things our culture has adopted, like i said virgin shaming. censorship is no joke and causes much suffering as well. Blame shady people who wont bring these things up due to secret oaths devoting them to dividing the people. The guy clearly was on an anti-feminism site. I see some of these things like the #KillAllMen hash-tag and see how these things could mislead people like this guy into blaming these people and I just think if these attitudes did not persist as heavily in our culture psychopaths like this wouldn't be cultivated so readily.

We focus on violence in our movies more than Europe, we focus on sex in our movies less than Europe. To say that we do not as a culture give people a hard time and belittle and make jokes about it(virginity) would simply be false, I doubt Seth was the first person to do it. Where did his movies come from? His mindset, of which is developed by our culture. He is part of popular culture. Scapegoating him for 

something we all do or have at some time joked about is just disgusting. Tell me this. If his movies, like the 40 year old virgin reflect the culture, which they do, what does that say about us?

The rodger Situation and MSM's coverage of National tragedy's and Seth Rogen issue(cont.):

We aren't going to change sh#t until we change the culture. Lobbying for more mental health(or more authoritarian mental health) isn't going to do anything but create more victims. We can't own up to our mistakes as a culture. until we change I don't think we will get any resolve. Sad how it creates these killers though. Even more sad we feel like we have to just drop the issue and not talk about it like mature adults in our nation but be underhanded. Abusing the issue. Our country has become more of a bureaucracy and a corporation than anything. Even our conversations about national tragedy's are filled with corporate interest.

Quite frankly the fact is that we cannot even look at the bullying issues we have as a society. Media organizations like cnn gloss over the issues and exploit the victims and their family's to push communism and mental health. They did it with every single tragedy they have ever covered. What does that do but create hostile citizenry, they get us to attack different demographics whenever there is a tragedy, they use our stereotypical view of a people to get white America to attack. Some group. Someone has to pay I guess is their attitude. That or some irrational fear that it could happen again. Never once can we just stop and not over-react.  Feeling like something may happen again and not being able to calm yourself down after a tragedy seems like it fits the description of PTSD to me. They are no good. They should have lost their broadcasting license a long time ago. They have severely damaged our nation. They have impacted our culture negatively and expanded government power to levels that are creating victims and death by our system. You see it in reports daily of the violent and mis-directed actions of our government.

Over-reaction media network more like it.

Quite frankly the fact is that we cannot even look at the bullying issues we have as a society. cnn glosses over the issues and exploits the victims and their family's to push communism and mental health. They did it with every single tragedy they have ever covered. What does that do but create hostile citizenry, they get us to attack different demographics whenever there is a tragedy, they use our stereotypical view of a people to get white America to attack. Some group. Someone has to pay I guess is their attitude. That or some irrational fear that it could happen again. Never once can we just stop and not over-react.  Feeling like something may happen again and not being able to calm yourself down after a tragedy seems like it fits the description of PTSD to me. They are no good. They should have lost their broadcasting license a long time ago. They have severely damaged our nation. They have impacted our culture negatively and expanded government power to levels that are creating victims and death by our system. You see it in reports daily of the violent and mis-directed actions of our government.

My view on the vaccine crisis and disrespect for sovreign nation's

The UN uses the possibility of the spread of disease as a reason against free trade. Tell me, tell me how local or smaller more healthy vaccines and non eugenics based programs that support vaccines without the dangerous chemicals is a bad thing. Tell me how justifiable it is to demonize a entire group of people as defectors and all of the anti-vaccine due to lack of quality standards. What has happened is comparable to that of a hunger strike by those who object to treatment they receive or lack of religious freedom. Like I have said, extremism would be to criminalize those who have risked sickness out of protest, just as someone abstains from food, these people have abstained from vaccines. They will be demonized, criminalized and their family's destroyed. All because the WHO and our nation now have no respect for the sovereignty of the American and our history, all because of the overthrow of our country's sovereignty by insiders. By lack of media coverage on the real issues and by a purposeful misleading of the public at large. By some insider group.

Some people anti-nature?

You may be able to reverse carbon pollution that's awesome, this invention is awesome. Still try breathing without trees. Still try to avoid landslides, mudslides and sinkholes without the roots of life hold together the foundation that we stand on.

Galileo: The Suppression of Knowledge, Link to story

Galileo: The Suppression of Knowledge.

Link to article-

The Crucible and news today

I see it, I see it in the news story's of today. Do you?

The Crucible Wiki Link-

The Crucible(1996)IMDb Link-

Friday, May 30, 2014

American Psychiatric Association is a Pawn Used Against Political Dissent

American Psychiatric Association is a Pawn Used Against Political Dissent


The cannabis market and gmo's

The cannabis activism community should pass a law requiring that any gmo marijuana be labeled, as it could be an overall negative for the new and sensitive market. It could negatively impact public opinion of this new and budding market and must be held back until better ground is made. gmo's are new, do we really want to risk this market being sabotaged so early on by bad genetics and a technology that is only 20-40 years old? It has proven to harm the food market, why would we allow this in the cannabis market of all places?

Monday, May 26, 2014

cuomo anti-autism sentiments and and a hate for the mentally ill, yet no real discussion about deeper issues or culture

We always find a way to blame autistic people, the mentally ill, the person with a slight leaning towards anger, the person with aspergers, the gun-owner or the gun itself or some innocent group of people never the person that did it and that is it. I think our culture kind of helped breed the monster(as this ill human being will be portrayed). Never our virgin shaming culture. our unjust media or the sickness in our social system that breeds unjust treatment. All of which helped to germinate this disaster. As well as the fact that in California of all anti-gun states, they didn't run a background check. Yet people like cuomo want to breed more disrespect for the individual, more disrespect for the mentally ill and aspergers community of which have already suffered due to his last hit piece on the autistic in the last adam lanza report.

Prohibition, the destruction of America

Drug laws have led to the unraveling of our society that we continue to see every day. Including the undermining of our legislation and the different directions into ideology's you see that are of foreign nations. As well as the proliferation of extremism and the complete destruction of checks and balances. We see all of these different things like communism, socialism and all other extremes being written in minute form bit by bit into our society's legal system and code. Law after law after law.One of the largest contributing factors to this being prohibition.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A lack of faith in the system, the drug problem and the discrimination of alternative Entheo-Based religions

The people meant to protect our nation, the CIA the FBI, the NSA our police and our legal system are doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do, they are proliferating the outside threats to our nation, the ideology's they protect are those of extremism. They attack their fellow countrymen through legal means and all of it allowed by a socialist media, especially the likes of CNN. Sometime at some point our system has been infiltrated and now the ideology's of socialism, and country's like Britain, china and people like mao tse-tung. All because of their corruption and fear of the legal ramifications of what they have done and the selling out of our nation to corporate interest. Such as companies like monsanto. Many of the groups such as answer are socialist and supported by socialists, but that does not make many of the issues that they speak about any less true or grave for our nation. Maybe we can have a more friendly view of socialists in the future. That does not mean trusting them or allowing their ideology to overtake our nation. What it does mean is more equality and the ability to coexist and share ideas as human beings. Not destroying our entire nation out of fear. Cannabis laws. The salvia ban(Attack on salvia). Allowing slander and other unjust discriminatory policy have also proliferated the problems as well. They are unconstitutional, infringe on peoples rights to freedom of religion and create lack of faith in our system, as well as distain for it.

 I have no doubt that the ban on salvia may have led us to the problem seen with products such as spice, yet spice-products are proving to be more deadly than salvia ever could have been aren't they. The truth is that there are many spiritually challenged youth out there in part(a big part) because we are allowing the media and drug agency's to attack certain forms of spirituality. Causing youth to look elsewhere for their spiritually enlightening experiences and running into spice or the black market, thus helping even more to proliferate the problems like we see with drug abuse in our nation. We ban harmless or less harmful plants and substances(many of which have no other real use other than spiritual) leading some people who otherwise would not have been exposed to harms to definitely be. We attack those looking for plant based religion or the freedom to practice their beliefs without requiring traveling long distances overseas to find a shaman or or better, more accepting people and where laws are more modern and civilized towards the spiritualist. We attack Americans for their spiritual belief's IN AMERICA, that's what we do. Many youth that get into substance abuse because of other issues such as abusive families, probably the bulk of them. That is not the only factor contributing to the problem of drug abuse. I believe that our war on alternative belief structures and anti-nature policy making has helped to disenfranchise many young Americans and has also contributed to these problems. I am now focused on the attack on shamanism, Neo-shamanism and any other entheo-religions and will not stop my coverage of the issue until every single one and every last person that wishes to learn about, or have the god given right to nature as well as to practice their form of spirituality on a personal basis without government infringement on their religious rights, have such freedom and the people of this nation once again can proudly say that they live in a free country. Until then this flag will hang upside down as a symbol of protest, for all to see, until we are once again, FREE.

It is time for this working on the system bring about religious discrimination by the likes of establishment based socialists and other hate groups(such as media), as well as bigots with lack of understanding(especially those in media) to end. End Bigotry, end the attack on spiritual freedom.
Yours Truly,
Keith Richards

Thursday, May 22, 2014

equal duty to responsibility, respect for homeowners and law enforcement

Depends on if the officers intent. Was he being cooperative with the homeowner? When so many people and animals are killed by these people, report after report after report. This reaction should not surprise any American. Maybe they should get back to the motto "to protect and serve".

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reply to:RT- Obesity v tobacco: Experts say fatty foods should be labeled like cigarettes / the real problem

Maybe instead we should label GMO's Like cigarettes. Trans-fats were the problem with fatty foods. To some point fatty foods or oils can help the metabolism. Overeating, on addictive gmo laden sauces that desensitize the taste-buds for at least 2 days causing binging, irritant laden foods destroying peoples metabolisms and depression because of eating these types of things causing those people to give up and overeat as a coping skill is the real issue. It's not anyone's fault that they are being poisoned because of a criminal FDA and the fact that they were never taught how to consume food properly by their parents or the system.

 Yeah, rich aristocrats in an oligarchy, who want to talk down to a demographic of people and shame them because of something being wrong with their life or out of boredom.

Link to related article: RT- Obesity v tobacco: Experts say fatty foods should be labeled like cigarettes
They talk about feeding the world, but they put suicide genes in the seed of life and take our most useful plant away.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

These things are all about forcing you to stray from your divine path in life. That is what bans are designed to do, that is what media is designed to do, how it gets you to hate thy neighbor, it is all distraction. Something to force you to care. Something to make you stray from the path of truth, the path of righteousness. Into falsehood into a life of lies. The system IS in itself unconsenting, demonic and one of inflicting pain on the souls of its captors.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The US Taxpayer did not cause this, the US taxpayer should not have to pay for this. The US Taxpayer did not cause this, the US taxpayer should not have to pay for this.

Oligarchy and the National debt clock

The question is who should have to fit the bill for this when we did not ask for these unconstitutional policy's that have led to this debt and our prison population. I believe that the people who have instated this oligarchy of which is to blame for this debt should be held guilty and forced to pay it as well as serve their time if not able to. Democracy has been hijacked. The ones who are guilty know who they are.

There is no excuse for what has gone on

The social order has been usurped and liars given a free ride, those who speak the truth ignored and discrimination and unfair treatment laid upon them.


Look at what has happened with GMO's. Do you see what is wrong here? Do you feel like questions need asked about why this has been allowed to happen and those morals that we have been taught that represent our society are not being enforced fairly, justly or represented properly.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Zohydro, a move away from more dangerous synthetics?

Zohydro dubbed heroin pill yet more powerful, more dangerous synthetics such as fentanyl and opana(of which zohydro, is a less dangerous alternative for doctors), as well as potent(could be dubbed a "heroin pill") morphine are already widely prescribed. It could also be argued that this would be a good thing because of the acetaminophen laden drugs and could only improve the entire public health, pain sufferers and those who need help alike.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Glimmerglass Intercepts Undersea Cable Traffic for Spy Agencies


Faux and destructive regulatory body's

While our regulatory bodies like the DEA currently are going after research chemicals and freedom of choice and the FDA goes after raw milk and the freedom of choice biotech companies get away with destroying our medical and food safety regulations completely and untouched forcing the American people to adapt in a country with regulatory problems(none at all) . Our regulatory bodies are chasing ghosts and destroying our founding principles like freedom while while the real demons rape us and get away with it.

Research Chemical bans, A more recent form of and cover for Religious discrimination

There is a problem with their description of spice and the fact that they have been allowed to get away with this demonization campaign for so long based on deceptive wording for so long.
What's next every plant that is spiritually enlightening, fist Salvia Divinorum, Now artificial cannabinoids, and research chemicals that they find out about as the chemical companies pop out new molecules. As I said what next? It is an attack on a certain type of religion by the media and lawmakers who have teamed up to make these things happen. These people have attacked freedom of religion in this country and deserve the label of a hate group.

Link to article relevant, pertaining and in response to: Feds take down synthetic marijuana drug ring with Colorado ties - The Denver Post

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Are you part of the problem?

Your problem is that you think inside of a box, you think that someone must either be for or against all ideas of an ideology. You think that you must be in a group to belong. You think that anyone for personal freedom is either a commie or a socialist. You think that there is one idea or another, never compromise or blends of ideology's and in between's. You are part of the problem.

Monday, May 5, 2014

An example of the problem with laxed chemical regulations on food products

They have literally convinced you that chemicals are good for you and whole foods aren't. The way that I see it our body's are the chemical, international and industrial industry's dumping ground and we are the slaves that are forced to consume their waste byproducts when they can limit your choice on the grocery store shelf. Go to the store and look at the ingredients in you white bread, then look at a traditional American white bread recipe. The bread on that store shelf is not bread, just as the tortillas that you purchase are not tortillas.

Link: Amish White Bread Recipe-

Chemical companies polluting food, FDA focuses on small farmers, clear conflict of interest problems

The chemical problem in our food has spiraled out of control and our food safety standards bypassed by the chemical companies. It is one thing to have a preservative in your food, I don't see any problem with that. The more natural and less harmful or irritating the better though.(many of the preservatives used currently are of the irritant status.) But look at how many are used in your food. They are there to harass some raw milk farmer but the FDA(which does not deserve it's bold print letters) looks right past the problem of chemicals which are irritating to our body's(the reason the FDA was founded) being dumped into our food supply by cheap manufacturers who want to cut their food products for higher profit margins. Those are the real people cheating America.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

conspiracy theory, blasphemy humor

Conspiracy theory, the new blasphemy. try it today. It works great! Dismiss enemy arguments in a flash! By denouncing them!

Religious hate groups attacking alternative religions in America

These people go around the country making any plant with actual effectual property's illegal, look at how long it took for them to ban salvia countrywide. It is an attack on religion, an attack on the religious. An attack on a set of beliefs. By a hateful group of people. A hate group. One that has been misleading people on the real reasoning behind why they want to in effect ban shamanistic practice in America. They then use the parents of this nation's fear that they cannot stop their kids from ordering things such as you saw with salvia off of the internet then get them to pass hate legislation. It is an issue. It is an attack on a set of belief's, a religion, it truly is discrimination. Hopefully these people are someday identified and prosecuted as a hate group in America.