Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Molotov reports becoming more prevalent

 Links:Molotov cocktail damages DA's office   /  FedEx Shooter Used Shotgun To Injure Six And Then Kill Himself

Molotov's seem to be becoming the weapon of choice in media to focus on right now. Only thing I am thinking of is where they are headed with this and if we should be afraid they are going to ban alcohol or combustibles to protect people. Sad when when you have to be ever-vigilant of your freedoms, shows how under attack we are by a socialist controlled media.


Guess Google has found a way , with you tube to censor free speech more efficiently. Move comments offshore completely, for the mindless idiots that do nothing but watch the video unquestioningly. I have no doubt that many people got into commenting in the first place by scrolling down a little and seeing the comments. These are all tools of the socialists, It's all meant to discourage commenting or discourage or make the process of dissent harder on you, the person a lack of dissent in government is ultimately going to affect. The same with net neutrality being struck down, the same with text on a comment magically rearranging itself or disappearing altogether, the same with people who use the word conspiracy theorist to condemn non-socialists that do not agree as mentally ill or somehow not right in the head and the same with a socialist controlled media and government they do not want YOU America to know about.

googles new commenting platform, the socialist tools of censorship?

Guess Google has found a way , with you tube to censor free speech more efficiently. Move comments offshore completely, for the mindless idiots that do nothing but watch the video unquestioningly. I have no doubt that many people got into commenting in the first place by scrolling down a little and seeing the comments. These are all tools of the socialists, It's all meant to discourage commenting or discourage or make the process of dissent harder on you, the person a lack of dissent in government is ultimately going to affect.

My reply to socialism On capitalism

Comment: Socialism, and desperation. don't use the fact that oligarchy has failed to say that democracy has. Socialists in government are the reason that this has happened and been allowed to take place, treason is why this oligarchy you point out has been allowed to thrive. socialism is replacing one futilist ideology for another and forcing your opinions on other people. Socialists have had their good phrases, like war is over, if you want it. But you ideology is weak. Not one that is righteous.

Socialist comment:  All comments on [369] US "at War" with Africa, Fashion Revolution Day, World Bank's Privatizing Water & ReWilding

Reply to socialist: Yes crony capitalism has, I hate capitalism as well, I believe in products with price that is based in reality, real products with a price that matches it's worth, I also believe in barter, trade currency, currency that is backed and anything but currency that IS debt. Socialism for the rich is socialism, I never said that I am against social welfare. I believe that those programs have been attacked by the rich and called socialist in nature but are not.I agree with the perversity of what has happened with capitalism but disagree that socialism is any type of answer. Look to the days of the golden triangle when real free market existed. I think the trade from that era is what we should focus on. Less regulation, open up more markets that have been closed and attacked by prohibitionists and regulators. Only then do I think we have a better shot at prosperity.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Taxes and poor hating the poor

These fees are a way for the government to get the poor to lament each other, they are being used as a tool of oppression to get anyone who does not pay them to be lamented and shunned by their peers, just as the British used them before the tea party and just as they used them before the revolutionary war.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The family and media sanctioned socialism

Our nation has been infiltrated, there is no conspiracy about this, Much of the just trying to make it types are the ones who scoff at such an idea but they are busy so much of the time with being vengeful and self or family absorbed that they have no other time for anyone else, or to use common sense as a matter of fact. Then there is the socialists who run what these self absorbed types watch every day. Then they get these sociopaths to blindly go around being judgmental and passing laws that discriminate on Americans who want to be free. That is how socialism creeps into the minds of the family's of America. Through the TV set. Through them not having time or patience because they are struggling to make a life and feed their family's and the fact that they will attack anything that endangers that life that they are trying to build. That is how it seeps into and destroys the sovereignty of our nation and compromises freedom.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Vegetarians, Freedom of Religion and GMO's

Is it OK to force vegetarians to eat vegetables with animal genes in it? Is it OK to force someone who is a vegetarian because of religion let's, say an Indian, to eat a vegetable with the genes of a cow which they hold sacred in it? Is that your idea of Freedom of Religion? Maybe you should consider that next time monsanto runs ads telling you not to label such a thing.

Freedom of Religion

You shouldn't be allowed to regulate religion. Period. What happens when the government is allowed to decide what is acceptable in religion? What is acceptable use of freedom of religion.

Comparing the treatment of modern shamans to Jews in the Holocaust

You don't need a license to be a christian in America, why should you need one to practice shamanism, The way that people interested in these practices in this country reminds me of how they were describing Jews being treated recently in Ukraine. Or how they had to wear a star to signify who they were in the camps they were put in. It's mistreatment. Coming from the highest level, government. Government sanctioned discrimination.

Prohibitionists, Book burnings and Hypocrisy

I think that some of the prohibitionists of the alcohol era are the same kinds that we see today. I think that there are these people who are out there doing this that don't understand the ramifications of what this does. The type of person that would attend a book burning. Some people are so afraid of truth that they would deprive others of it and force their opinions on others by creating scarcity and using such practice as a tool to destroy what others have worked so hard to philosophize about and the ideas that they conclude to. The practice, of which reminds me of the prohibitionists practices is a tool of oppression, hate and of caveman like apish ignorance that has a disrespect for anything that they themselves preach so highly of. Who are they to criticize the freedom of others when they partook, as well as partake in such hypocritical acts.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

to all anti-second amendment socialists

I'm not against socialists, but how dare you if you push your ideology forcefully onto others. Who attacked the socialists during the red scare? Who are the same people attacking the bundy's? Who are the same people coaxing you into allowing peoples second amendment to be attacked? The federal government. You are angry at the wrong people, for the wrong reasons socialists.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Chris Hedges thinks that we do not have a problem with taxation without representation, defends federal government

taxation without representation is what is illegal. Permits are illegal. You sir are a socialist. Look up what agenda 21 is and you wont think it's something you should laugh at and dismiss. Maybe you shouldn't ignore something that you know is real which makes your stories out of context if you do not want to be discredited, socialists.

he said you have armed citizens pointing sniper scopes at blm officials. They had snipers on a hill pointing them at unarmed Americans before all of this played out. Idiot.

You Should Have The RIGHT To Be Armed So That When The Government Comes They Can't Push YOU Around
Is the bundy ranch situation bringing up our bigger issue in the nation of taxation without representation and the disrespect for what happened in the Boston tea party event?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

NSA spying and American policy

The phrase you shouldn't care if you do not have anything to hide is a phrase that shows itself to be socialist in it's nature, roots and attitude and quite frankly socialism is not a traditionally or even officially adopted American ideology and therefore it is not an American value. It does not belong in the decision making process for our laws and what we decide is acceptable as a nation. our nations doctrine should be written with freedom in mind, not socialism.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

religion and state over-reach

When there is members of our community with a religious or other background biast in our legal system making decisions based on prejudice or stereotypical viewpoints need it be said that they have no right to dictate what is or what is not a religion or proper use of ones religious rights?  End the attack on the peoples right to the holy sacrament.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Our nation

What if we banned fracking and gave all of those subsidy's to build solar plants in sunny areas and wind plants in windy areas. You can't expect these things to work if you build them in the wrong place. If you build them strategically you can then export that energy to everywhere else after storage.
 They sabotage everything. Their purposefully misleading logic is destroying our nation. It shows how their truly are moles scattered throughout our system. The conflict of interest in these people in our positions of power is what is dragging down the entire inner-workings of our nation. You get a lobbyist for the fossil fuel industry to pick the place for our nations new renewable energy sites, chances are they will be in very cloudy, or not very windy places. Or maybe to close to the houses to create a nuisance like you see in Germany. All designed to give you a negative view of non destructive energy. Once they put that view deep into the hearts of the American people, their job is done. Their are some people out there that really are terrorists, yet we focus on calling environmentalists and the people who are trying to increase our quality of life terrorists. Not the ones using illegal sabotage methods to destroy movements that will save our species and our planet. Guess these people with these nefarious intentions really did never mature or realize that being a decent person is the way to go. These people sabotaging our nations quality standards, undermining our FDA along with our nations ability to be prosperous. I hope you see that our nation is being attacked from within, I hope you see exactly what the founding fathers warned of. I hope you see the conflict of interest in those embedded within, those that have destroyed checks and balances from within. I hope you vote out the moles in our system next election cycle.


 What will we do when it's all gone, and we are no longer at an advantage strategically as a nation? Is this at all any plan for us as a fuel rich nation? Or is it designed to destroy us? Through it's completely unsustainable as well as destructive nature(to our lands). Ask yourself, who is going to have all of the oil still in the ground in their nation in the end. At this rate not us. Why are foreign oil companies even allowed into this nation? Look at B(british)P(petrolium) destroying our lands with pollution and oil spills. Do you think that they didn't do it on purpose? Or do you think they really wanted it to happen for strategic reasons? It's british petrolium, not American. they are out to protect britain's interests not ours.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Reply to: RT article- States begin to ban dangerous new FDA-approved painkiller

If what they are worried about is harms then they would allow this medication to be approved. If it currently is the only non Acetaminophen containing hydrocodone would they rather see the liver failures? More harm than good suggests that they do not even have a lid on their local prescription pill problem. Wouldn't it be a positive thing if they could curb use of those more potent drugs by just prescribing this instead. It's probably less potent than those other drugs that they prescribe. Less dangerous. Most of those synthetics are stopping kids breathing, forcing them to remember to breath. Why not approve this drug? It could only curb harms if doctors work to cut use of the synthetics.

Tell me more how that will do anything but punish patients and drive up dependence and addiction rates for drugs such as Opana which are far more dangerous. Do they know the dangers of Acetaminophen liver toxicity? Idiots.

Link:  States begin to ban dangerous new FDA-approved painkiller- RT

The holy sacrament, the diminishing of its use in worship and the soul

So one cannot worship in the name of respect and giving thanks for gods creations? (creations= plants, the earth) the sacrament has been forbade, and thus many peoples souls are lost, without guidance or the push of the holy sacrament to nudge them in the right direction down their divine path in life.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MSM pushing the word Cyber Attack as if any protest, even if police instigate the violence falls under the definition

Your definition of cyber attack is fucked! and this is exactly what I warned of A protest is not a cyber attack. And calling planning peaceful protest is not a cyber attack. The officers attacked them with violence so their self defense reaction was justified. Public protest is protected by the constitution under freedom of assembly. No one reported them, I can guarantee that. The officers and department Most likely provoked this. Do you want to live in a slavery society or dystopia? make the decision now. Before it is too late for all of us, True Americans.