Thursday, April 24, 2014

The family and media sanctioned socialism

Our nation has been infiltrated, there is no conspiracy about this, Much of the just trying to make it types are the ones who scoff at such an idea but they are busy so much of the time with being vengeful and self or family absorbed that they have no other time for anyone else, or to use common sense as a matter of fact. Then there is the socialists who run what these self absorbed types watch every day. Then they get these sociopaths to blindly go around being judgmental and passing laws that discriminate on Americans who want to be free. That is how socialism creeps into the minds of the family's of America. Through the TV set. Through them not having time or patience because they are struggling to make a life and feed their family's and the fact that they will attack anything that endangers that life that they are trying to build. That is how it seeps into and destroys the sovereignty of our nation and compromises freedom.

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