Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Guess Google has found a way , with you tube to censor free speech more efficiently. Move comments offshore completely, for the mindless idiots that do nothing but watch the video unquestioningly. I have no doubt that many people got into commenting in the first place by scrolling down a little and seeing the comments. These are all tools of the socialists, It's all meant to discourage commenting or discourage or make the process of dissent harder on you, the person a lack of dissent in government is ultimately going to affect. The same with net neutrality being struck down, the same with text on a comment magically rearranging itself or disappearing altogether, the same with people who use the word conspiracy theorist to condemn non-socialists that do not agree as mentally ill or somehow not right in the head and the same with a socialist controlled media and government they do not want YOU America to know about.

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