Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Monopoly on knowledge and control of personal sustainability, and in part a response to an RT article

There is a difference between consumer protections and holding a market accountable, lot's of people abuse consumer protections. I don't think it's the flavors. It will always be a wild west to some point. E-cigarettes are vaporizers. The attitude conveyed in this interview reminds me slightly of MSM's attitude. How it's the object, or the person and not about the freedom to choose. I think the truth project should stay where they do best, attacking those companies, or do they want to go into attacking the consumer and their rights? Like bloomberg with his 20 dollar cigarettes. That is market abuse. Truth markets extremes and polarization of the issues just as much as the big tobacco companies. You want real answers, freedom is your answer, when consumers know what they are buying and can make or order their own vaporizer then they will not rely strictly as you put it, on the big tobacco companies.That is why i think that our governments actions are wrong because the attack on rights leads to these problems. If you are forced to consume and consume what others produce for you then you are trapped in a loop of never being able to produce for yourself.(never knowing that you can, or how to.) I believe that if we had never strayed from washboards and agricultural tools as well as community wide agriculture we wouldn't have these problems. You see, you take the rights of people away through product bans, driving up prices or writing laws against private means of production of basic necessity's and lead people away from their heritage. They did it with shiny cars and the advent of loans in the 60's. The new car loan is now student debt. when you keep someone in a  cycle of debt it messes with their ability to make good decisions. Therefore you see this debt crisis. They don't care then and they figure they would rather give up and spend them and their family into a hole then die unhappy. It's like the story of the company store. The idea is that the means of production belong to the state. One is not allowed means of production, only through the education system are we given knowledge of self sustainability. We have become a nation in which means of production are controlled by the state, through the education system. Only once you get a degree may you be allowed the knowledge with which you desire to pursue your goals in life. WE will hold the knowledge you desire hostage if you do not play our game and go through our hoops and learn the subjects we want you to, in the way with which we want you to.  If i do not graduate I will not get a degree, If I do not get a degree I will not get a job, if I do not get a job I will fail. No other options. Monopoly on knowledge, thought control.

Link to Story:  [410] New Earthly Species, Crashing the Koch Party & Big Tobacco's E-Cig Takeover

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