Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mainstream Media a discriminatory force

Ever since childhood I have seen media deception and their taking and leaving facts about different groups of people and different life preferences(like collectors, with shows like hoarders, free speech, freedom of religion with things like plant bans(The attack on salvia is a great example), trying to ban guns, attacking autistic people and numerous other attacks that quite frankly showed bigotry and lack of real knowledge on or about the subject with which they were covering) out of their stories then turning to demonize those groups, it has always given me an uneasy feeling, because I always knew that they were doing something wrong(deceptive). Many do not because of lack of knowledge about how much the the attacks, legislation that comes after their attack's and defamatory, uncontextual behavior harms different groups ability to exist or even pursue their dreams. They have apathy even if they don't buy the lie. They have taken the very soul of America and tried to gut it from the inside out through legislation based on defamatory statements. That quite frankly in my opinion should be illegal and they should lose their ability to broadcast such statements, permanently. For the educated American or any American seeking to educate themselves or wanting to enjoy life or chase the pursuit of happiness the mainstream media is a blight.

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