Monday, January 13, 2014

The misuse of the word "conspiracy theory" among the therapeutic community and its use in discreditation

Why are therapists and drug companies so focused on advertising and treating depression and similar things like anger a natural emotion? One that is going to be very prevalent, especially in this country. To discredit skeptics eg: the word conspiracy theorist exists, to somehow make it seem as if any person who is a skeptic of "certain" issues is simply not able to tell the difference between what is real and not real.) yet there is nobody being treated for Stockholm syndrome a REAL issue that effects our country massively every day.
(it is natural to be angry in a system that constantly wrongs people and uses the psychiatric industry's illustriously misunderstood disorders(many of which are merely money traps. As well as a way to give them authority over peoples lives of which they previously did not. It's an unofficial arm of the state, that is why politicians spend time lobbying to increase it's funding.)

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