Thursday, January 2, 2014


I think that the majority just wants to blame the minority when something goes wrong, it is the group mentality that you are taught in schools these days that makes that so, when something goes wrong in our country weather it be a disaster school shooting or a high profile case, or trial even police shootings of kids with laser pointers or pellet guns people always seem to blame it on something, especially the minority(the person them-self). They do not blame the society itself or the lack of restrictions or action on the oppressors, the usurpers. They then allow all people around the victim to be usurped as well as with pellet gun regulations(companies) and age restrictions on laser pointers, even outright bans on things. In a world where the usurpers are allowed to get away with wrongdoing because they make the majority fear regulation, no wonder that we have the problems that we do. One where people use deviance to abuse a system which does not crack down on the person actually usurping(ignores their wrongdoing) but does on the ones who it will affect for years to come, the majority, those who are supposed to live free. Maybe that is why they act as they do. 

I do not believe that any of these occurrences will stop until You do not consent to it and freedom is let to be itself,     Freedom

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