Saturday, January 4, 2014

Are Your Vitamins Putting You At Risk?

Because they are watered down and laced with GMO's? that is the exact mindset that they want you to have. WB salmon and omega 3's they point that out all the time (IT'S A SUPERFOOD BUY MEEE!) if it is profitable for restaurants. maybe look up how they are trying to ban vitamins for non prescription use. OK.
 Its profitable to make homeopathic remedy's illegal, and for big pharma and all monopolized industries, and this is not some radical idea alright? maybe look at all angles. Sme of the vitamin safety associations have openly said in their adds that they are for prescription only vitamins, those types and the Codex Alimmentarius are evil. If you continue to add to the restrictions of the free market all you are doing is being part of the problem and destroying our economy and thus our country. If someone is to stupid to understand how to use a suppliment and does not research the risks they have to learn on their own the consequences that is why it says on the bottle to talk to your doctor before using on the supplements that can harm. over and over again, it is not the product to blame, it is either the producer for not providing a potent or quality product or the consumer for not paying attention. We do not ban pointy objects because someone could get hurt from them and The world does not need to be a padded room or prison cell with which people are not allowed to have shoelaces. But that is where we are headed if you support a mindset as such. A prison state. We live in a country where many interests including corporate are at play that want to take your freedoms. It is not acceptable to just be OK with this lets just take away their rights cause they are to stupid to have these things(they might unknowingly be harmed) mentality. Some people would be complicit in the paranoia of the state to such a level that the entire country has such product restrictions though wouldn't they? They already have for Prisons and similar facility's. Legislature and bans always come to a head and fruit more legislature and bans most of the time these situations do so and lead to overreach. Will we let the paranoia of the state destroy all of our futures? Or embrace our freedoms as our fore-bearers did and not buy into corruption.

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