Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The convoluted special order process and why shipping your liquor to yourself should be legal

Im writing this article because the situation with liquor laws in this country deeply troubles me. If you live in most states and drink spirits you may have noticed that there is something called a special order list. This list is for items that can be requisitioned or purchased by the case, yet arent typically stocked in store. The list does not contain every spirit out in the world and if the spirit you are looking for just isnt on the list(say an obscure bottle you had while vacationing in another country or state, or a rare bottle you need for a spirit collection guess what, you need to beg your state liquor control commision to put it on their list(good luck doing this with pappy van winckles or super rare bottles, being that you need to buy a case and all). Its set up this way because under most state laws throughout the united states(with the exception of california, new York and possibly one or two more it is illegal to ship hard spirits to yourself.  In some even ordering a case of wine for home delivery is a criminal offence. How did we get here? How did we allow for the majority of states to become patsys for alcohol legalization only allowing the people of 2 to 4 states to have their liberty to consume and collect protected in full? Where most people have to be second rate citizens and live under rules that people that live in 2-4 states just dont have to follow? Where your average joe if he/she wants to have a true liquor collection or sip on some pappys has to either suffer, be a criminal to do so or move to a different state. how is that ok? Should we reform our alcohol laws in the rest of our nation? Has the information I have to bring to the table at all swayed your opinion on the topic?  Do you think you should have to grovel to your state commisioner just to be able to obtain your favorite spirit?Let me know in the comment section.

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