Saturday, March 19, 2016

my opinion on the RFRA, anti gay zealouts, the NAC and substance laws [a response to an article posted by jesse ventura]

link to original article:

this attitude is good when it brings accountability to hypocrites, but when it hurts people for example wanting genuine shelter from discrimination. like members of the native american church, it, in my opinion becomes a sick lets make them suffer like everyone else type attitude. i am ok with applying the rhetoric to establishment officials and people that are for genocidal policys that are counterintuitive or counter literate to what they say but i am not for them being use...d to further gentrify and discriminate against a people that see things differently than most, differently than those within a culture of abuse then i simply cannot support it. it is easy for substance abusers, christians and atheists with all of the indoctrination that they have, forcing them to comply with anti nature laws to feel an unfairness, it is easy for the christian hypocrytes to deny plants as something that god put here, it is easy for the uneducated or misinformed churchgoers to listen to establishment based church leaders go on the pulpit and mischategorize some plants as separate from the rest, obscure and therefore gifts from satan not god and therefore drugs. when you have an attitude though, like those, you dont drive progress, you say simply that its unfair that the natives have a freedom to be themselves and for others to join them on that journey. you say that they have to be unfree because you arent because its not fair. you connect issues that were never meant to be connected to make them connected and make the world a more unfair place, you use either your ignorance or as is with the case of atheists disbeleif to shut other people fighting to keep their rights down, rights that may someday be expanded even to include you. help you on your journey through life as well, even if it is unknowingly. you push people down when the possibility of fairness, and your right to grow what god put here for you is right in front of your face, with the growth of legalization, the chance of full repeal when it comes to unconstitutional applications of substance laws in a government and pharmaceutical industry bid to control nature.

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