Thursday, November 26, 2015

The destruction of auspicious pursuits in America, the weaponization of fear, markets and culture

when over marketing effects the heavily invested and their ability for success and floods the market with posers, people that don't really care about the field but are just there for the monetary opportunity, creating a sinking effect for everyone capitalism kills itself. Kills innovation.

 When society forces too much transparency it forces the vulnerability of those with hopes and dreams, vulnerability of those people to the hawks and the hoards of zombies looking for monetary gain.

 It forces the destruction of the intelligent that don't have the luxury of wealth. Forces them into collectivism. Destroying the potential for originality. Destroying the potential for the original to survive. Destroying the ability for a constant of creativity by those with real ideas that can help push society forward. That is the evil of an over suspicious society, a paranoid society. It is a society that destroys itself.

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