Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The drug war hurts people

Should everyone in a group be treated equally across the board? Why are policy's allowed that do such a thing and allow for mass injustice and the abdication of truth? The drug war is a prime example. You have people that abuse some drugs. But you also have those that seek them out for legitimate reason, people suffering from certain conditions that have been let down by the establishment and cannot get the medication that works for them. You have people of various faiths that are effected by drug laws because their beliefs entail the use of certain plants yet are denied exemptions for their beliefs under the 1st amendment. You have the people that want to preserve different species nomenclature that cannot do so because of current laws, leading to the extinction of different species. You have those that want to grow plants like hemp that cannot do so. You have people in a plethora of different fields that are attacked and made to feel uncomfortable doing what they love because of the drug war, not even allowed to speak out against it for fear of attacks by predators, when they've done nothing but speak their mind in a free country, done nothing wrong. You have a system that puts all people in one basket and paints them one way in the name of justice yet creates more often than not injustice. You have a system that makes those that follow the law yet surf the waves close to it in life made to look like criminals, their right to probable cause non existent. You have the people that are not a danger to society, those aforementioned targeted by manufacturers and traffickers laws as well as the truly innocent targeted with warrant less suspicion. Which is injustice. You have those that use abuse as a reason to take everyone elses rights away, so goes with law these days, like a type of parasite or parasitism the lazy and stupid suck away everyone elses rights. In an uneducated democracy freedom becomes slavery.

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