Friday, December 13, 2013

This society needs a mediator. one that creates equality not what you currently see. democracy used to be democratic (Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy) but that idea has been infiltrated and undermined mainly in those who otherwise patriotic that could not accept this process when it led to accepting the freedoms of the minority, unpopular opinion and equality, the reason by which the revolution happened and we became a sovereign nation in the first place. The internet could be a part of the "Couples Therapy" or "intervention" our nation needs but as you see it is, like clockwork now being undermined(wanting equality is not undermining democracy. but can be as you see with some feminists and others not asking for equality or a rights issue but just lobbying to take mens rights away, NOT EQUALITY, but just harrasment of the male for existing (which really makes them the opposite of what they portray themselves as.) just as democracy is and unpopular opinion being either stifled frozen(by selective internet connection throttling) or by numerous other tactics.

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