Thursday, December 19, 2013

Caffeine, Fatigue & Ability to Focus, Coffee, Stimulant Drugs, ADHD, ADD...

If their energy returns or ability to concentrate after you take them off of their medication, you were probably treating someone without or with out bad adhd in the first place, I think that doctors vehemently opposed the the prescription of stimulants are a danger to the entire profession of psychiatry as a whole and especially to those patients who do have severe symptoms only treatable by some type of stimulant or similar medication.(and should maybe lose their licence) just seems like if you wanted to be a homeopath shill that punishes those few who really do rely on medications for valid reasons you should not have become a alopath in the first place. you should not be able to torture the patient because of your fears getting in the way of rationally prescribing medications to people with a real disorder as personal as ADHD and nothing against homeopaths, I believe in homeopathy and food as medicine, but there is a point to where if medicine is not used it becomes neglect of the patient.there are different levels of severity with any disorder. so illness is dependence? if you have an infection you prescribe antibiotics or the proper medication, you do not leave the illness untreated. I you are clearly lobbying against stimulants and do not believe in a patients right to treatment.

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