Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Prohibition, endangering our nation's biodiversity

Just because something CAN get you really high doesn't mean it should go through the rigors of prohibition. Morning glory's are found everywhere and the LSA the seeds contain can be just as powerful as LSD in large enough doses(many teenagers eat the seeds for the effects, that's why they started coating them with poison. Seeing how this is a widely known practice I am not condoning the misuse of the seeds, just spreading commonly known information.). If the garden variety morning glory were illegal it would be stripped from it's native lands and burned, anyone who would want to enjoy the beauty of the plant would be a criminal and it's population would wither creating a new endangered species. Just like the early wolf bounty's and extermination attempts drove them to near extinction, our laws impact the populations of the plants and animals of our lands. If it is illegal to combat the thinning of a plant through cultivation, while an illegitimate government burns it's populations then that plant is likely to become endangered and possibly go extinct. Then, if that plant goes extinct who is at fault? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_hunting#North_America

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