Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lies, spice(K2) and marketplace sabotage. Media to blame?

K2 had been on the market for a long time. It was often sold on the internet. It was then advertised through some magazine ads. As soon as "spice" (K2) gained popularity it was being sold at many gas stations and flea markets. This product was never sealed in any way. As soon as spice became really popular they started to lace it. When it was not laced spice was frequently referred to as "like smoking catnip", various videos compared the effects to not even as strong as tobacco. This is what happened, Once the popularity rose it was known that there was "good spice" and what legitimate sellers were providing. See what happened was that once it became popular they started to flood the market with dangerous research chemicals. I would compare this to the tactics used by far every time a government wants to ban a substance. Or if they do not like a people. They conveniently flooded Syria with a form of research chemical or prescription speed and codeine after they lost the argument for dropping bombs on that nation. They use the hard drugs as a form of oppression and as a weapon against people of different nations. They used it to ban a perfectly harmless products and destroy an entire market, the K2 or herbal blend market.The problem was the research chemicals being passed off as something that they were not. In my book that should be considered market sabotage. DO not use this post to try to say that it was the lack of packaging requirements or somehow blame the free market, I am sternly against that kind of rhetoric. Maybe the RC's wouldn't have harmed anyone if there were actual suggestions on safe use. But an over zealous and immature DOJ forbade that and we have the debacle that has happened. Furthermore ask yourself why the media reacted in the way that they did. Thank you for reading.

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