Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unsustainability, the future and a reply to the DNews video: Has NASA predicted the end of civilization?

Unsustainability. As well as unjust policy help fuel it. Isn't our population around 300 million? Why are people(like many of the tedx speakers) so happy to point out our population being the problem when really, the majority of the population of the world is in Africa and Europe. In the billions. The myth that the answer to our ills as eugenics needs debunked first and foremost before anything else. Also the amount of people will not matter as much if we can build a system that is sustainable enough that population does not effect our carbon footprint. That is why proper contraception and reasonable family size is important. I think that sustainable agriculture (Urban gardens and carbon neutral nutrient based hydroponics) as well as further research into hot and cold fusion as well as (Suppressed) "New Energy" based technology's in combination with the use of the more simple renewable energy resources on a local level could help us to create a more sustainable system, as well as respect for personal freedom and the legalization of all natural plants to stop the harms associated with a war on nature and consciousness. Which would also help reconnect people and help eliminate decadence as well, all by itself. Helping to drive more fact instead of fear based policy and thinking. Also The current corruption must be ended and those who continue to break the rules, falsify science or outright ignore it as nixon did with the Schaefer report and numerous other times has been happening such as ignoring that GMO's caused tumors in rats as well as Multiple possible cancer cures being ignored and suppressed because it would lose pharmaceutical companies profits needs to end. All you need do is some digging and you will find all of the facts for yourself. If we want to grow and stop this we need to trust each other as people and just be willing to peek on the other side of opinion for once. Also maybe not always just discrediting studies because they are not government funded. Look at all of the facts science has been presented with that cannabis for example works miracles for epilepsy and so many other ailments, yet all you get is denial and scoffs when real legitimate non-governmental studies are published. Let that be shown as an example. (Ps. Do you know how much water the NSA data center uses every day? Just to spy in on our own people?) (Pss. There are car's that run on water alone but the "Elites" as you say, have had them banned in our nation. They enforce rules that cause the unsustainsability, then they blame it on the rest of us. The ones who care.) -A reply to Has NASA predicted the end of civilization? by: DNews
Links:  Has NASA Predicted The End of Civilization?

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