Friday, November 22, 2013

this is part of the problem with people just being able to call the police for complaint purposes and not for strictly illegal activity's or emergency's, then our country becomes a fascist state where anyone with an opinion that any citizen does not particularly like is in jeopardy of their safety because the police can be called on. Bureaucracy IS a tool of the fascists and of fascism. Like Grisham said did he tell them the law? no. he decided to break it and go and harass a citizen whom was in the middle of nowhere on a road taking a hike legally open carrying a firearm, and by the way just because one person calls into your department does not mean that person is of the majority opinion in that town. maybe that person could just be an angry neighbor with a grudge that is why it should not be at the polices discretion or anyone's as a matter of fact to decide on the discretion until there is a report that they can say is on the books a crime.

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