The rodger Situation and MSM's coverage of National tragedy's:
Reply's to RT video:
I will tell you what helped cultivate it, mainstream media and our devolved culture. And wow sounded really racist. Heard some people compare this to how they portrayed Trayvon's killer as white. To analyze what the guy has said then look at what is allowed on our Mainstream media you see what happened here. Where this came from. The guy was out of touch and desperate. To blame free speech is the atrocity. I think that MSM is partly to blame in that maybe some of their broadcasting hate of the male may have led to this guys mindset. Don't forget the virgin shaming and these sides of our culture that are shown in Much of the programing of today. Don't use this to push feminism and free speech restrictions.
This is what our media causes, our media that pushes sex, all the while pushes virgin shaming and made this kid think that he had to have sex to be happy. All I have to say is wow. Wow, how many delusional people are out there that want to dance on the bones of the dead, including his victims by exploiting this situation and not talking about this or changing our behavior or our cultures negative ways and letting the dead rest. I think it's a matter of both feminism and the devolved culture, we want to either immaculate men or allow for the mistreatment of women, nothing in between. More of this extreme side taking. Could we just be mature as people for a bit and allow conversation without using the dead to push ideology?
Reply to the Seth Rogen Issue:
It is not Seth Rogen to blame. It is many others, including feminists and virgin shaming. A plethora of people. Don't attack the cultural people. Censorship is not a game to play either. What do people do they attack the artwork, not the cultural problem. Idiots. Stop taking my words out of context and actually do something meaningful, stop blaming films, supporting censorship and blame the little sick things our culture has adopted, like i said virgin shaming. censorship is no joke and causes much suffering as well. Blame shady people who wont bring these things up due to secret oaths devoting them to dividing the people. The guy clearly was on an anti-feminism site. I see some of these things like the #KillAllMen hash-tag and see how these things could mislead people like this guy into blaming these people and I just think if these attitudes did not persist as heavily in our culture psychopaths like this wouldn't be cultivated so readily.
The rodger Situation and MSM's coverage of National tragedy's and Seth Rogen issue(cont.):
We aren't going to change sh#t until we change the culture. Lobbying for more mental health(or more authoritarian mental health) isn't going to do anything but create more victims. We can't own up to our mistakes as a culture. until we change I don't think we will get any resolve. Sad how it creates these killers though. Even more sad we feel like we have to just drop the issue and not talk about it like mature adults in our nation but be underhanded. Abusing the issue. Our country has become more of a bureaucracy and a corporation than anything. Even our conversations about national tragedy's are filled with corporate interest.
Quite frankly the fact is that we cannot even look at the bullying issues we have as a society. Media organizations like cnn gloss over the issues and exploit the victims and their family's to push communism and mental health. They did it with every single tragedy they have ever covered. What does that do but create hostile citizenry, they get us to attack different demographics whenever there is a tragedy, they use our stereotypical view of a people to get white America to attack. Some group. Someone has to pay I guess is their attitude. That or some irrational fear that it could happen again. Never once can we just stop and not over-react. Feeling like something may happen again and not being able to calm yourself down after a tragedy seems like it fits the description of PTSD to me. They are no good. They should have lost their broadcasting license a long time ago. They have severely damaged our nation. They have impacted our culture negatively and expanded government power to levels that are creating victims and death by our system. You see it in reports daily of the violent and mis-directed actions of our government.