Monday, May 26, 2014

cuomo anti-autism sentiments and and a hate for the mentally ill, yet no real discussion about deeper issues or culture

We always find a way to blame autistic people, the mentally ill, the person with a slight leaning towards anger, the person with aspergers, the gun-owner or the gun itself or some innocent group of people never the person that did it and that is it. I think our culture kind of helped breed the monster(as this ill human being will be portrayed). Never our virgin shaming culture. our unjust media or the sickness in our social system that breeds unjust treatment. All of which helped to germinate this disaster. As well as the fact that in California of all anti-gun states, they didn't run a background check. Yet people like cuomo want to breed more disrespect for the individual, more disrespect for the mentally ill and aspergers community of which have already suffered due to his last hit piece on the autistic in the last adam lanza report.

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