Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reply to:RT- Obesity v tobacco: Experts say fatty foods should be labeled like cigarettes / the real problem

Maybe instead we should label GMO's Like cigarettes. Trans-fats were the problem with fatty foods. To some point fatty foods or oils can help the metabolism. Overeating, on addictive gmo laden sauces that desensitize the taste-buds for at least 2 days causing binging, irritant laden foods destroying peoples metabolisms and depression because of eating these types of things causing those people to give up and overeat as a coping skill is the real issue. It's not anyone's fault that they are being poisoned because of a criminal FDA and the fact that they were never taught how to consume food properly by their parents or the system.

 Yeah, rich aristocrats in an oligarchy, who want to talk down to a demographic of people and shame them because of something being wrong with their life or out of boredom.

Link to related article: RT- Obesity v tobacco: Experts say fatty foods should be labeled like cigarettes

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