Thursday, January 1, 2015

The drug war

List of 3 currently prescribed modern medications far stronger than heroin. -6-8 times more potent than morphine / 3-4 times as potent as heroin -80 to 100 times more potent than morphine / 40-50 times as potent as heroin -500 times as potent as morphine / 250 times as potent as heroin

My opinion on the issue:

Don't forget who invented Heroin. Don't forget who originally marketed it, how it was marketed and what happened afterwards. Ask yourself, was it a good reason for the disinformation that has helped spread the war on drugs around(a war which now includes numerous plants and soon to come, native species)?

Remember, at the time before our our nations struggles with addiction was cocaine in the colas, and morphine in the miracle elixirs widely and heavy handedly marketed at the time. There were no discrete storefronts as we have with modern hard alcohol sales today. There was no marketing guidelines, no false advertising laws. Shortly after all of that along came heroin. one and a half to two times more potent than morphine itself. The perfect storm. Remember this, it's all in how drugs were marketed that led to our nations inflated addiction problems at the time.

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