Monday, December 29, 2014

The American dream

As an American citizen you should have a right to the raw materials required to be self sufficient. Or to further your own entrepreneurial or hobbyist ambitions.

It's funny how this system is being shifted towards less and less rights for anyone but academia, the corporation and those that get degrees. You should not have any less rights to success because of your non-affiliation with these organizations. But law after law that becomes more and more true. That is part of the problem with America today. Get a degree and be bankrupt for the rest of your life or don't and have no rights to success and prosperity, or the American dream.

 Don't put age restrictions on it or teach people pharmacology, take peoples rights away and arrest them. Make the police state worse. Removing your right to purchase caffeine creates more monopoly for corporations, it creates a situation where the only people that can buy or use caffeine in its pure form for whatever reason, may it be soda making or personal consumption corporate, licensed businesses.-

 Link to: Food additives, including caffeine

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