Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The end of freedom in America?

Weve been here before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peyote / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_divinorum(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett%27s_law) / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabis#Misnomer / Tell me, which plant comes after kratom? You know that this isn't right. Your right to grow tomatoes, or anything is next.

Link to video: DEA warns about Kratom

Monday, December 29, 2014

The American dream

As an American citizen you should have a right to the raw materials required to be self sufficient. Or to further your own entrepreneurial or hobbyist ambitions.

It's funny how this system is being shifted towards less and less rights for anyone but academia, the corporation and those that get degrees. You should not have any less rights to success because of your non-affiliation with these organizations. But law after law that becomes more and more true. That is part of the problem with America today. Get a degree and be bankrupt for the rest of your life or don't and have no rights to success and prosperity, or the American dream.

 Don't put age restrictions on it or teach people pharmacology, take peoples rights away and arrest them. Make the police state worse. Removing your right to purchase caffeine creates more monopoly for corporations, it creates a situation where the only people that can buy or use caffeine in its pure form for whatever reason, may it be soda making or personal consumption corporate, licensed businesses.-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8NvHlwRknc&feature=share

 Link to: Food additives, including caffeine

The Interview: North Korea Threatens to Blow Up White House

Oh yeah, take your anger out on the citizens of this nation. Many of which care nothing about that movie.

Mainland is a name given to a large landmass in a region (as contrasted with a nearby island or islands), or to the largest of a group of islands in an archipelago. Sometimes its residents are called "Mainlanders". Because of its larger area, a mainland almost always has a much larger population than its associated islands, and mainlander culture and politics sometimes threaten to dominate those of the islands.

Mainland United States, as opposed to the state of Hawaii and overseas territories like the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The terms "U.S. Mainland" and "The Mainland" are commonly used in Hawaii, but less commonly on the U.S. mainland itself. The term "continental United States" is used, but is ambiguous in sometimes excluding Alaska and sometimes not. The term "contiguous United States" is more precise in excluding both Alaska and Hawaii. A common term used to refer to the continental U.S. excluding Alaska is "the lower 48", but Hawaii has a lower latitude than any other state. (The word "mainland" occurs numerous times in Hawaiian law, and apparently refers to any part of the United States outside of Hawaii.[2])

Link to article- The Interview: North Korea Threatens to Blow Up White House

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Well, Free Speech is under attack again

Free speech is free speech. They should have never been allowed to pick and choose what is in the first place. Ask yourself what is next, any unpopular speech. THE founders killed the blokes that they did and separated themselves from the crown for a reason. They just banned certain forms of sexual expression in Britain. If this court case results in a conviction will that leave rapers open to being targeted in the near future for their lyrics? In my opinion it's parody.

Is the internet protected by the First Amendment? The Supreme Court will decide