Saturday, August 16, 2014

RT article response. / On taxing fast food, when we taxed cigarettes and regulation issues.

Sure, they did it to the smokers. Maybe when everyone is treated like that, they will see how wrong is to impose sanctions on minority's while making it harder to get what helps them,(e-cigarettes). Go ahead. create a fast food smuggling network. It always happens, it's what happened with the cigarettes. / Focus on teaching people to eat less addictive foods and get rid of the GMO's. It can take 2 days for the taste-buds to regain full functioning after consumption of American mayonnaise or sauces. Our nation lacks food safety laws and many irritants banned in EU foods flood our markets store-shelves. Our foods, can at times lack actual nutritious value leading to addictive behaviors in some people, messing with their relationship between food and daily life. Many of our foods are also cut with fillers to give corporations higher profit margins. That cutting of our food supply also removes nutritious value. Leading to cravings(and obesity). There are many factors that lead to obesity and food addiction in our society's, none of which are 100 percent the obese persons fault. But many of which are caused or habituated by our current food system itself. Lack of regulations on what foods are allowed to be composed of contributes to the problems faced. Yet the FDA attacks traditionally molded cheeses and raw milks. All of which have high nutritious value, micro nutrients. Seems like our regulatory bodies are doing the opposite of what they were instated to do in the first place. Functioning as a weapon, to harm our nation, rather than to help it. I am not for telling people what to eat, nor am I for regulating what is in food to a high degree. I am for things such as irritants being properly labeled and believe that if your food is not food it must be stated clearly, not hidden in the ingredients list under all of the ingredients used in traditional food production. That is false advertising. There needs to be compositional standards on our food, so that it may retain it's value and quality. This is the steps corporations have taken, they have found new ways of exploiting the system. New ways to trick the consumer since the regulatory body's have been created. We found ways of running markets safely, we have found refrigeration to keep our meats at safe temperatures. We have written regulations on false advertising regarding horse meat being sold as cow. But we still lack regulations on certain cancerous, petroleum based products in our food and waters packaging, irritants and other substances such as silicone dioxide in our foods labeled deceptively as anti caking agents. Many of which are being solely used to fill products, cutting quality all together. We have not even thought of the ethical ramifications of allowing such practices to go on without consequence. The obesity epidemic may just be one of those consequences. What happens much of the time is that current regulations are not enforced. Such as with the pink slime scandal. So as with these anti-caking agents and other substances. No consequences come to those who take the very taste out of the consumers mouth, but when a person wants to consume foods with micro-nutrients they are cracked down on. Those who wish to produce or consume nutrition dense foods are targeted. Governments are not conducting themselves in the proper manner and the people are paying the price. / “The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.”
― Confucius

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