What if we banned fracking and gave all of those subsidy's to build
solar plants in sunny areas and wind plants in windy areas. You can't
expect these things to work if you build them in the wrong place. If you
build them strategically you can then export that energy to everywhere
else after storage.
They sabotage everything. Their purposefully
misleading logic is destroying our nation. It shows how their truly are
moles scattered throughout our system. The conflict of interest in
these people in our positions of power is what is dragging down the
entire inner-workings of our nation. You get a lobbyist for the
fossil fuel industry to pick the place for our nations new renewable
energy sites, chances are they will be in very cloudy, or not very windy
places. Or maybe to close to the houses to create a nuisance like you
see in Germany. All designed to give you a negative view of non
destructive energy. Once they put that view deep into the hearts of the
American people, their job is done. Their are some people out there that
really are terrorists, yet we focus on calling environmentalists and
the people who are trying to increase our quality of life terrorists.
Not the ones using illegal sabotage methods to destroy movements that
will save our species and our planet. Guess these people with these
nefarious intentions really did never mature or realize that being a
decent person is the way to go. These people sabotaging our nations
quality standards, undermining our FDA along with our nations ability to be prosperous. I hope you see that our nation is being attacked from within, I hope
you see exactly what the founding fathers warned of. I hope you see the
conflict of interest in those embedded within, those that have destroyed
checks and balances from within. I hope you vote out the moles in our
system next election cycle.
What will we do when it's all gone, and we are no longer at an advantage
strategically as a nation? Is this at all any plan for us as a fuel
rich nation? Or is it designed to destroy us? Through it's completely
unsustainable as well as destructive nature(to our lands). Ask yourself,
who is going to have all of the oil still in the ground in their nation
in the end. At this rate not us. Why are foreign oil companies even
allowed into this nation? Look at B(british)P(petrolium) destroying our
lands with pollution and oil spills. Do you think that they didn't do it
on purpose? Or do you think they really wanted it to happen for
strategic reasons? It's british petrolium, not American. they are out to
protect britain's interests not ours.
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