Sunday, October 19, 2014

Freedom of speech and the UK

The justice system is doing as DEA chief's describe the drug war, you get rid of one profit system, and Squeeze one end of the justice system and sentencing balloons in another. First it's trolls, then it's unpopular speech.

Under the current law, people who subject their victims to sexually offensive, verbally abusive or threatening material on the internet can only be prosecuted in magistrates' courts under the Malicious Communications Act- Depending on ones ideology or belief system that could literally mean anything. You know trolling goes both ways. The legal system is often used to troll unsuspecting victims as well.

In regards to this article:

Just to let you know similar laws have been enacted in some US states.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Morally reprehensible laws.

There are reasonable laws and regulations, and then there are laws such as those used to target plants like cannabis and their consumers. Laws that do nothing but harm others based on the premise that they could be doing something wrong, morally. Laws based in pre-judgement. Laws that show nothing but a lack of faith in a so-called faith based society.

Pre-judgement definition

A society that believes in judgement before the creator wouldn't need laws that punish behaviors that harm no-one, behaviors that could be deemed wrong in the eyes of god, if it was run by the truly faithful as is claimed.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Reply to Real Farmacy story- Study Reveals E-Cigarettes Contain Formaldehyde and Produce Toxic Secondhand “Smoke”

Link To Article- Study Reveals E-Cigarettes Contain Formaldehyde and Produce Toxic Secondhand “Smoke”

This article does not contain an argument about e-cig flavors being used as marketing to children but I have seen articles that do and I am sick and tired of the rhetoric about this product. Sick and tired of the across the board attack on edible products and vaporizers. Tell me more how if something has flavor a company is marketing to children. Tell me more how soda companies are marketing to children because their soda has flavor. End the madness when it comes to cannabis edibles if it be Colorado, alcohol based edibles in the rest of the country or if it be e-cig flavors. People have been marketing shisha for the use of people from different ethnicity's for years, it's flavored but there has been not a word about it. It would show how prejudice the people who push for discriminatory legislation against products like these are. I want to live in a country without fascism, a country where I know that I can walk to the store and pick up some artificial flavor or a healthier alternative to a cigarette. I want to live in a country where I can buy an herbal vaporizer or aromatherapy device. I want to live in a free country

So avoid propylene glycol. Buy organic nicotine. Cheap Chinese e-cigs that get the tincture of nicotine too hot do. Regulate the temp constraints not the device overall. We regulate radio waves with the FCC, so regulate temperature on the e-cig. Such regulations should not be applied to vaporizers. That being stressed heavily because unreasonable regulation regarding the vaporizer would lead to deviation from the legitimate market and lead to the establishment of black markets for the product. The e-cig is meant to be a standard do nothing cigarette alternative. Make it safer, but DO NOT attack the vaporizer with regulations. You will do more harm than good. 


Friday, October 3, 2014

 WHO, let ebola land? They had the same attitude about this too- Remain calm.
WHO opposes travel restrictions on ebola stricken nations-…/
First ebola patient in US does not lead to new travel restrictions, this can happen again-…/First-Ebola-patient-US-does-no…
Map, spread of H1N1 in US- Model simulation showing how the 2009 H1N1 virus may spread in the United States-Tracking the spread of H1N1 swine flu in the U.S. - Rhiza FluTracker

Speculation about a suspicious ebola scientist-

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Simon malls discriminates against minority's. Bans hoodies after Trayvon Martin protests

Link to article: Mall’s hoodie sign causes concern among shoppers

They are so racist that they had to change the association of wearing a hoody from a stylish or favorable piece of clothing into a symbol of crime or being a trouble maker. Simon mall has an even more racist and fascist policy signs. It happened right after the Trayvon hoody protests. Not related? Really?

It happened countrywide right after the travon hoody protests. Not just in indiana.

TV3 Cannabis & Synthetic Drug Debate

You know what is a parasite? Your type mam, lobbying for the undermining of different nations sovereignty. Why are research chemicals being allowed into the spice products in the first place? And misnomers created, her people helping ban an incense product along with the research chemicals, instead of just discussing the issue it was blown out of proportion and used to attack a nearly non-inebriating product that originally contained only plant material. Dragging a market that should be legal still down with the research chemicals. Why is synthetic cannabis(originally a simple herbal admixture) the argument and not research chemicals or the lack of enforcement of labeling laws regarding herbal admixtures. If people were allowed to know what was in the admixtures as well as the amounts and dosages the harms would be reduced. In America we have problems with these products because of an unreasonable regulatory body(the FDA) that chose to attack the sales of the product through draconian regulation on different plants and research chemicals sales, specifically for consumption. Our laws specifically state that usage guidelines cannot be given or the company can be charged criminally for intent. Reefer madness is what she is propagating all-right. Why were research chemicals allowed into herbal incense in the first place, instead of a discussion of that being the issue presented a ban was aimed at the product by media and government. It banned all of the herbal admixtures because the media obfuscated the facts and now anything with a label that has different plants mixed together is targeted, not just ones containing research chemicals. such laws could be used to attack herbalists or spiritualists if abused. Time and time again laws like these are written. Different nations product laws are undermined and pushed into the criminal law sector. The changes allow an attack on many different demographics. These laws undermine different nations sovereignty more than cannabis or the research chemicals as legal products ever could(Red scare propaganda suggested that cannabis would be used by the communists to weaken the will of the youth of America). But, if there is any communist threat that you should be worried about it is the likes of lobbyists like the ones on the right side of the debate table or the ones within the media and government that have attacked the peoples rights to their native as well as non-native plants, creating a prison society.


They are letting things happen and purposely not enforcing regulations as a means to pass more stringent regulations in the long run. It's a play by our government, these happenings. Why were travel restrictions not being properly enforced on nations with ebola. Why were research chemicals allowed into herbal incense, and instead of a discussion of that being the issue a ban aimed at the product? Time and time again these occurrences happen, never being documented or spoken of the the populace en-mass.