Sunday, March 30, 2014

Modern day exploitation, the past and an attack on open mindedness and individuality

The general attitude that behavior needs controlled is one of the worst things that ever happened to this nation. It opens every single one of our citizens up to the possibility of abuse of power effecting them negatively.

Shouldn't you fear an unthinking majority more than the awake individual, of which you have been brainwashed into believing is somehow dangerous or unsavory. If you take a moment to examine your own behavior, I think that you will very quickly find that your hate for open minded people is based in fears or stereotypes, obtained from the media that you are exposed to and not from fears rooted anywhere in reality or based on actual facts. 
 The Crucible Play- Wiki / The crucible movie profile IMDB (1996)
 The "truth" or the "facts" about the events you see throughout your life have been engineered by the liars among us. Incriminating the innocent.
The Scarlet Letter (1995) movie- Wiki  
The crucible movie profile IMDB (1996)

people still behave in this manner. That combined with willful blindness is what is dangerous to freedom in a democracy. The crucible movie profile IMDB (1996)

Friday, March 28, 2014

The patent problems currently being faced, 2 articles describing the current problem of patent trolls

Surveilled Slavery, The Battle For Freedom Is Here.

Why Dystopia? A few Reasons that the world is not ready for the technology's of the future (Extended)

Why are we going to have to live out the dystopias even though the movies and books have already been written warning of them. Guess its just the willful ignorance, or the cognitive dissonance.
 I have no problem with the technology's, I have a problem with preparedness, we haven't ended corruption, we haven't ended war, we haven't become respectful of peoples boundaries as human beings and we have not learned to listen to each other or learn to live to respect the earth. We continue to ignore things like purposeful obsolescence of which keep people in a trap of never ending waste and unhappiness as well as debt, and the cycle of ignorance continues supported by social ignorance and status among the rest of the primates. Anyone who you cannot identify as fitting in with your clan is mocked for their beliefs as such happens with the rise of the popularity of the word conspiracy and its negative connotations. Ones used to make less of and demean critical thinkers of which are above your IQ level or understanding. I believe that much of the mocking that is done to people that are misunderstood is because of our lack of context in their life, therefore the only thing that we know to resort to is mockery. We can never eliminate the possibility of exploits and hacking of these technology's, but  the incentive and main drivers for such a thing and all of the dangers surrounding that will be small if we sort out our problems as people in a way that is respectful to everyone. How can we trust these future technology's in a society of such top down controls, corruption will always pose a danger to us, those technology's just mitigating that corruption making it more harmful as well as more effective at hurting people. Maybe we could also stop inserting  twists and purposefully misleading ideas into articles such as this one. Or by creating hit piece spinoffs that bend the words of others for personal gain here and now, Then I think then we can bring ourselves into the future, one of promise, not one of sameness.

in response to The new Verizon Techknowledgy commercials, The Safety & the self driving car commercial and Brain implant lets you control machines with your mind by source fed.

Links:TechKNOWledgy | Smart Home Automation | Verizon Wireless -Video

 Safety & The Self-Driving Car: A World Economic Forum Discussion-Ideas @Davos-WIRED Live -Video

 Brain Implant Lets You Control Machines With Your MIND!-Video

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why Dystopia? A few Reasons that the world is not ready for the technology's of the future

Why are we going to have to live out the dystopias even though the movies and books have already been written warning of them. Guess its just the willful ignorance, or the cognitive dissonance.
 I have no problem with the technology's, I have a problem with preparedness, we haven't ended corruption, we haven't ended war, we haven't become respectful of peoples boundaries as human beings and we have not learned to listen to each other or learn to live to respect the earth. We continue to ignore things like purposeful obsolescence of which keep people in a trap of never ending waste and unhappiness as well as debt, and the cycle of ignorance continues supported by social ignorance and status among the rest of the primates. Anyone who you cannot identify as fitting in with your clan is mocked for their beliefs as such happens with the rise of the popularity of the word conspiracy and its negative connotations. Ones used to make less of and demean critical thinkers of which are above your IQ level or understanding. I believe that much of the mocking that is done to people that are misunderstood is because of our lack of context in their life, therefore the only thing that we know to resort to is mockery. We can never eliminate the possibility of exploits and hacking of these technology's, but  the incentive and main drivers for such a thing and all of the dangers surrounding that will be small if we sort out our problems as people in a way that is respectful to everyone.

in response to The new Verizon Techknowledgy commercials, The Safety & the self driving car commercial and Brain implant lets you control machines with your mind by source fed.

Links:TechKNOWledgy | Smart Home Automation | Verizon Wireless -Video

 Safety & The Self-Driving Car: A World Economic Forum Discussion-Ideas @Davos-WIRED Live -Video

 Brain Implant Lets You Control Machines With Your MIND!-Video

CIA Aware of Insider Trading Prior to 9/11

Matrix Masters Podcast 392 – “MDMA and Autistic Adults: A New Research Study”

Link: Podcast 392 – “MDMA and Autistic Adults: A New Research Study”

Serj Tankian - Harakiri

Serj Tankian - The Unthinking Majority

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

This Man Went to Prison for Collecting Rainwater | Brainwash Update

US shows hypocrisy in telling Russia to stay out of Ukraine

Rethinking the way the word conspiracy theory is used, being misunderstood

When I said that we need to rethink how the word conspiracy theory is used I meant how the word is used to slander opinions that aren't that far out there and that just because it is not your opinion does not mean it is wrong. Official opinion is not a good policy. It gives you moral high ground to be condescending to the rest of us.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Girl Banned From School For Supporting Cancer-Stricken Friend?

Cops shoot to death homeless man for camping

Training For Treason

Unsustainability, the future and a reply to the DNews video: Has NASA predicted the end of civilization?

Unsustainability. As well as unjust policy help fuel it. Isn't our population around 300 million? Why are people(like many of the tedx speakers) so happy to point out our population being the problem when really, the majority of the population of the world is in Africa and Europe. In the billions. The myth that the answer to our ills as eugenics needs debunked first and foremost before anything else. Also the amount of people will not matter as much if we can build a system that is sustainable enough that population does not effect our carbon footprint. That is why proper contraception and reasonable family size is important. I think that sustainable agriculture (Urban gardens and carbon neutral nutrient based hydroponics) as well as further research into hot and cold fusion as well as (Suppressed) "New Energy" based technology's in combination with the use of the more simple renewable energy resources on a local level could help us to create a more sustainable system, as well as respect for personal freedom and the legalization of all natural plants to stop the harms associated with a war on nature and consciousness. Which would also help reconnect people and help eliminate decadence as well, all by itself. Helping to drive more fact instead of fear based policy and thinking. Also The current corruption must be ended and those who continue to break the rules, falsify science or outright ignore it as nixon did with the Schaefer report and numerous other times has been happening such as ignoring that GMO's caused tumors in rats as well as Multiple possible cancer cures being ignored and suppressed because it would lose pharmaceutical companies profits needs to end. All you need do is some digging and you will find all of the facts for yourself. If we want to grow and stop this we need to trust each other as people and just be willing to peek on the other side of opinion for once. Also maybe not always just discrediting studies because they are not government funded. Look at all of the facts science has been presented with that cannabis for example works miracles for epilepsy and so many other ailments, yet all you get is denial and scoffs when real legitimate non-governmental studies are published. Let that be shown as an example. (Ps. Do you know how much water the NSA data center uses every day? Just to spy in on our own people?) (Pss. There are car's that run on water alone but the "Elites" as you say, have had them banned in our nation. They enforce rules that cause the unsustainsability, then they blame it on the rest of us. The ones who care.) -A reply to Has NASA predicted the end of civilization? by: DNews
Links:  Has NASA Predicted The End of Civilization?

GMOs could cause ‘irreversible termination of life’ on Earth, risk expert warns of ecocide

GMOs could cause ‘irreversible termination of life’ on Earth, risk expert warns

When discussing the issues surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) — that is, organisms bearing the genetic traits of other species or bacteria — the focus is typically on how safe (or unsafe) these novel, food-like products are for humans. But distinguished risk engineer and two-time best-selling author Nassim Taleb thinks an even bigger problem with GMOs is their threat to the planet, and the statistical likelihood that they will eventually lead to the collapse of life on Earth.

In a new study, which is still in draft form, this professor of risk engineering from New York University uses statistical analysis to make the case that GMOs, by their very nature, will disrupt the ecosystems of this planet in ways that mankind is only just beginning to comprehend. Because they represent a systemic risk rather than a localized one — GM traits are known to spread unconstrained throughout the environment — GMOs will eventually breach the so-called “ecocide barrier,” leading to catastrophic ecosystem failure.

“There are mathematical limitations to predictability in a complex system, ‘in the wild,’ which is why focusing on the difference between local (or isolated) and systemic threats is a central aspect of our warnings,” Taleb is quoted as saying by, noting that it’s essentially impossible to contain the inevitable spread of GMO traits far and wide.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Conspiracy theory's? Here's a couple.

Conspiracy theory's? Here's a couple.
Are Humans Part of a Genetic Experiment?
The Five Worst CIA Operations Ever - Truthloader
The Truthseeker: Media 'staged' Syria chem attack (E36)

( And the US population is the problem tedxer's?)

The real threat of war-

So forcing democratic war (bailing out newly founded free states, or democracies) is more important than allowing those nations to defend it on their own terms? As well as focusing on democracy back home? We seem to be more interested at playing an international strategy game over a third world region than we are with focusing on democracy and freedom back home, as well as taking care of our debt first. Guess they have to test out those new laser weapons they just got.

A past of discrimination, current time and the word conspiracy theory

I think that we need to look real hard at how the word conspiracy theory has been being applied, as well as look to see how it has been used weather it be to brush under the rug, cover up or just downright lie about current events. Also the fact that our association with believing in a conspiracy theory as a bad thing(and stereotyping). Also, it used to be a "Conspiracy Theory" to believe that the earth orbited the sun and anyone who believed otherwise was criminalized and their science driven underground. Just as we see today. Do you think that it was right that they mocked Copernicus and Galileo? I don't. I guess the word conspiracy theory is being applied today in the same way blasphemy was all those century's ago. We haven't changed much at all have we now?

Why I'm burning my last bridge with Obama

Syria, their motives have been unmasked

I think that it is important that we all look at what happened with Syria, how our governments motives were unmasked and their lies displayed to all. They tried to intentionally pull an Iraq and now they are on their second attempt to start a war with the Crimea situation and blurring the lines between that situation and what happened in Ukraine.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Allopathy, a monopoly on nature and the cloning comparison-original text

Original text- It's sort of like cloning, there is a reason that they cannot replicate a human and that they aren't all there when they try to. Having a monopoly on the plant kingdom is not cool and forcing people into allopathy by creating such a medical, legal and market environment is not cool either.

Allopathy, a monopoly on nature and the cloning comparison (Expanded)

Banning plant's while allowing their synthesis for medicine, it's sort of like cloning, why do we not do it? Is it because of the mutations, or dangers? Having a monopoly on the plant kingdom is not cool (because it's dangers are comparative in being that the natural way is still better and pursuing it in the first place was not necessary to our survival) and forcing people into allopathy by creating such a medical, legal and market environment is not cool either. Look at all of the harm this causes(look at how much more dangerous cannabis derivatives are than the plant itself, Eg: sativex and marinol deaths) also, the war on drugs( a war on plant derivatives, substances, molecules) the numbers do not lie. Even If we some day do successfully clone, it should not take away from the message that I am trying to bring you. It is folly and is not what we should be focusing on as a species. If you want someone to blame, blame those who encourage rejects by criminalizing nature, allow for allopathic monopolization of the plant kingdom to fall into place and treat the rest of the populace like children nurturing stupidity, willful ignorance as well as a bad attitude and disrespect for the plant kingdom.

Madness in medicine, living in a modern dystopia

They want to steal the souls of the plants of this earth and never give the plants credit for their miracles. That is why their lack of appreciation of the earth and a patients right to the earth and it's medicines is killing people and why they do not deserve respect or control over any species in the plant kingdom. They have learned how to ponzi scheme our very earth and our natural habitat for profit. It is the ultimate perversity.
 Also the people that have allowed this do so because of their misguided immature knowledge of our planet and it's species. As well as their lack of knowledge of how extracts  and medicines are made and the willful ignorance of the masses. How good did it work with opium for them? how many more people die from our prescription problem than the plants that those medications are extracted from? You can overdose on sativex. It shows the level of denial these people are in. As well as their grudge against nature. Why be separate from it? It's delusion, it's hypocrisy
and allows them to still condemn the plant while raping it for it's medicinal value enslaving it as well as the people who could benefit from it. That is what is madness. The ultimicity of hypocrisy and the dystopia we really are living in.

Honolulu Cops Demand Protection From Prosecution For Having Sex With Pro...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Politicians and conflict of interest

When will it be made illegal for politicians who are  more of a risk than a benefit to their country to try to provocate wars with other nations? (kerry and obama.) They are acting like children in an adult game, politics in which deals with very sensitive matters. They play with fire, but it is our nation's future and our men and women's lives at stake.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The so called "free" market, developer elitism and issues with that market

Developer elitism is an illness. Be wary if you create a scarcity for your product and don't be surprised when it is attacked by the political and the power hungry of which limit advancement. Developer Elitism destroys promising technologies. When you want to create a niche of a certain type of people that you want to use your product as A&F said it runs contrary to progress. Now what does he have? A group of people angry at him and his company, constantly denouncing him. Elitism is not going to be a success strategy for any industry. Free market with the largest array of size color and full array customization, personalization and quality options is. Along with fair realistic values based on material pricing, not faux marketing ploys. Which is everything that is the American product market. Someone likes something, wall street flocks in to drive up prices and inflate. Which runs contrary to what any marketplace should ever be about, especially a supposed "free market" Cont. read next blog post.

The so called "free" market, developer elitism and issues with that market (continued)

free market and polluted it with a wide variety of knock-offs. Not real true market diversity. every time diversity crops up it is attacked by those worried about losing profit as well as by people. So this is what we get, this faux American version of diversity. One that unlike India's spice market of which sells real products at real prices with diversity our market has barely any True Diversity.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bills (and laws) that don't represent the best interest of the people

The bills that currently pass into law specifically are designed to debase and disenfranchise the American public, ones that hurt freedoms like little pin pricks, laws that draw individuals to an extremely frustrated state. Which in the condition that we are as a country helps push along our mass incarceration system. Also many of these laws or bans supersede the rules of encroachment and disrespect everything that our country was supposed to represent, like freedom. We must not allow Insurgent judges and magistrates, politicians and lawyers to undermine our nations values anymore if we wish to remain to retain or regain our freedoms as a sovereign, free and open nation.