Monday, December 30, 2013

"Every Second Counts" - Marijuana Policy Project

Innocents Betrayed - A Brief History of 'Gun Confiscation'

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Maybe these people cling to drug prohibition because all they have to do is marginalize people, because they live in a marginalized region, not part of the greater landmass that is Europe so they would not have anything to do if they did not. I don't think that the larger regions of Europe has much people that have the same mindset as our hapless fear driven people. They advocate harm reduction, and even if they do not they do not treat everything like a war and send the troops in on their homeland, look at the UK. not to long ago some psychedelics were completely legal to purchase. it seems also like maybe these people in Washington are so crazy or disconnected from reality that they fear losing their grip on reality or their grounding of what they believe the world to be if they do not have something (eg:drug prohibition) to hold onto that they would lose all touch with reality and. Yet their craziness kills people every single day like a genocide or plague on the people. They are holding America and the rest of the world back with their policy and influence, just look at what Anslinger acheived with this(not in a good light). look at how much damage that one man has caused for the world because of his stereotypes of a group of people. This is a genocide. Say it with me Prohibition Is Genocide. ‪#‎ProhibitionIsGenocide‬

Monday, December 23, 2013

I believe that in the future these company's will have genetics down to such a pinpoint that they can add and remove genes(which is already starting to be done in the medical industry) with such an accuracy that they can cause or prevent any condition with which they please easily, so ask yourself if you trust people who own these companies with your life.
There are no "myths and truths" about GMO's. the simple fact is that anything can happen if you do not make human beings modifying you foods that you consumes genetics then they can ultimately mess with your genes as well. In any way that they please,may it be making you infertile, making you allergic to a type of nut(peanut allergy's) or killing you or causing cancer, the risk and ability for that to happen will always be there. will you allow anyone, whoever it be regulate the information that you receive or change the way that you think about things critically? Will you let others dictate what you believe in or will you fight for your right and as a matter of fact everyone's right to chose what they believe in without having to worry about governmental interventionists dimming that reality and putting a regulator on your right to food sovereignty or any personal sovereignty decision as a matter of fact.?

 I believe that in the future these company's will have genetics down to such a pinpoint that they can add and remove genes(which is already starting to be done in the medical industry) with such an accuracy that they can cause or prevent any condition with which they please easily, so ask yourself if you trust people who own these companies with your life.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Censorship: Taking on the Big Dogs of the Internet

our Infrastructure has been compromised globally and our ability to care for one another as nations and show wrongdoing to our leaders undermined,(probably by banking interests masochists cults an what people refer to as elitists(a form of sado-masochism) globally as well as a world our leaders as people tainted by their ability to go to war coupled with the ability of these groups to control, dominate, hate and lie. Their very ability to look after and care for us, as people in the world, compromised by these.
our Infrastructure has been compromised globally and our ability to care for one another as nations and show wrongdoing to our leaders undermined,(probably by banking interests masochists cults and what people refer to as elitists(a form of sado-masochism) globally as well as a world, our leaders as people no longer discern right from wrong, maybe they are not to blame but there still has to be levels of enforcing against interests such as the occult groups or financial interests undermining the security of our very species existence on this planet, a state for the states a police for the police type deal to appropriately punish and get under control those that are the minority that rule the majority. As well as a branch of that agency to ensure that the human genetic code is protected and that genetic pollution be treated as such and that those individuals or companies have proper actions be taken against them .
the means for human sustainability are there but they are ignored, look at free energy devices for example and how people who make them suddenly disappear or attacked by different political administrations, all of the cures that are ignored, the ability for survival as a human race is there but it is ignored and hated. and de-rationalized without concrete proper review for doing so out of the minds and hearts of people. all of these things these people do that are allowed by the silence of the majority is killing our species. for example, with the the film the forbidden cures you see this same pattern of abuse f authority throughout every single field today of its interest for the betterment of humanity being undermined every single time in a similar fashion.

[298] Demanding NSA Reform, Human Extinction by 2030, and Roseanne Barr ...

I think hes wrong. there's always two paths. everything as possible. in a world filled with sustainable agriculture, proper knowledge about population and giving birth, and where the world has mediators for governments to police them and punish them when needed there would be chance and over proliferation would not happen. the one thing about the media that fungi needs to be able to survive is that itself is renewable. if coexistence was tought and a mediator was formed to always ensure that both sides got equality when it was needed I think we would learn sustainability and reason-ability a lot more quickly. because the worlds people are like a gigantic immature class full of children that think that they have matured.

Ohio Goes After Homeschoolers

Thursday, December 19, 2013

gas companies lobby for unsustainability, I would much rather see locally produced biodiesel or hemp biodiesel than the stupidity I see in ExxonMobil Corporations new commercial promoting gasoline. have they heard of new energy devices('THRIVE' on Free Energy (over unity devices and zero point energy))? probably. But that is not the product that they are pushing, is it?

Caffeine, Fatigue & Ability to Focus, Coffee, Stimulant Drugs, ADHD, ADD...

If their energy returns or ability to concentrate after you take them off of their medication, you were probably treating someone without or with out bad adhd in the first place, I think that doctors vehemently opposed the the prescription of stimulants are a danger to the entire profession of psychiatry as a whole and especially to those patients who do have severe symptoms only treatable by some type of stimulant or similar medication.(and should maybe lose their licence) just seems like if you wanted to be a homeopath shill that punishes those few who really do rely on medications for valid reasons you should not have become a alopath in the first place. you should not be able to torture the patient because of your fears getting in the way of rationally prescribing medications to people with a real disorder as personal as ADHD and nothing against homeopaths, I believe in homeopathy and food as medicine, but there is a point to where if medicine is not used it becomes neglect of the patient.there are different levels of severity with any disorder. so illness is dependence? if you have an infection you prescribe antibiotics or the proper medication, you do not leave the illness untreated. I you are clearly lobbying against stimulants and do not believe in a patients right to treatment.
psychology is the essence of a organization that is empowered in limiting the human race. an agency that regulates the very minds and thoughts of people, their brain chemistry through use of drugs and other means. who is one to rule rationality and deem something rational or not especially under the risk of a disconnect in even the therapists understanding of the complexity of the human mind which is not really meant to be nailed down and it capability's diminished limited and dulled. humans are meant to feel connection with one another not a disconnect caused by an abuse of the field of psychology. And the most dangerous part of it is that it is a self regulating body for the most part, even more dangerous is easiness in being abused as a tool for parents with impure motives to abuse for power over their children.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lesson 2: The Constitution & The Bill of Rights

Lawyer Who Beat NSA Speaks Out

In a dictatorship people are under the protection of a dictator. I am not for dictatorship but I am saying that America is less safe than other country's like in Europe not because of the lack of dictation, there is way too little personal freedom and way too much dictation in the world, but what I mean is that it is because of the lack of caring in the people, the easiness of placation of hate for others and short mindedness/sightedness of the American people that allows these things. Jim crow laws were legal. so was the purchase of a slave, so is arresting someone for possessing taboo molecules/(or)plants, so is arresting two males for holding a marriage ceremony, so is genetic pollution, so is declaring governance over a human being,SO IS... you finish the sentence.
Alaskan HAARP project. Independent Oversight(Or Research) Needed ?

Wiki on the HAARP project in Alaska:
Wiki on weather warfare and the Geneva convention:

How the Military Severed Brainstems to 'Cure' PTSD | Brainwash Update

Vitamin Study: A Certified Hoax!

Establishment Attacks Vitamins With Hoax Study

News Model Cuts Off Mic Of Man That Brought Lawsuit That Found NSA Is Be...

The NSA uses '60 Minutes' for PR

Monday, December 16, 2013

Temporary Detention Orders(TDO) bypass of Right to due process? Do you beleive that Unsubstantiated complaints should be allowed to be levied against individuals without giving that individual the right to a fair trial or being left in the hand solely of speculation without oversight?
Temporary Detention Orders(TDO) bypass of Right to due process?

Kid Critical of Government Gets Vid DELETED by YouTube

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!

World Trade Center Twin Towers: The Implausibility of the Official Theor...

World Trade Center Twin Towers: Constant Acceleration (+playlist)

World Trade Center Twin Towers: Pulverization and Ejection of Contents (...

World Trade Center Twin Towers: Eyewitness Accounts (+playlist)

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

just because you have a bad trip doesn't mean everybody else should have to suffer. In other words stop letting people ban every new technology so that only corporate and regulatory interests can manufacture them this is part of what I mean when I say that there is no free market any more. When anything new appears on the market that makes you less dependent on the regulatory, monetization, or piracy lobby that now controls government it is banned by them. Then they STEAL those ideas and flip and sell them through their privately controlled marketplace elites. M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y!

Friday, December 13, 2013

This society needs a mediator. one that creates equality not what you currently see. democracy used to be democratic (Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy) but that idea has been infiltrated and undermined mainly in those who otherwise patriotic that could not accept this process when it led to accepting the freedoms of the minority, unpopular opinion and equality, the reason by which the revolution happened and we became a sovereign nation in the first place. The internet could be a part of the "Couples Therapy" or "intervention" our nation needs but as you see it is, like clockwork now being undermined(wanting equality is not undermining democracy. but can be as you see with some feminists and others not asking for equality or a rights issue but just lobbying to take mens rights away, NOT EQUALITY, but just harrasment of the male for existing (which really makes them the opposite of what they portray themselves as.) just as democracy is and unpopular opinion being either stifled frozen(by selective internet connection throttling) or by numerous other tactics.

Friday, December 6, 2013

I think that the children of the next generation will be narrated to the events of our current time through there history books and they will find it very humorous and wrong the way we treated people, just as you did as a  child reading about martin Luther king or how the Kent state shootings happened, or how there was colored and white bathrooms or how long it took those people suffering and their greatest leaders being assassinated(even by your own government-MLK) to gain their basic human rights to Liberty and protections as citizens oft his country. All oft this in part because of people in essence acting as if they were the demon conscious of America whispering in the ear of Americans that it is OK to support the plight of these people and making it sound OK or somehow a justification to let any person slip through the systems protections into prison complexes and unjust judgement.
I think that the children of then ext generation will be narrated to the events of our current time through there history books and they will find it very humorous and wrong the way we treated people, just as you did as a  child reading about martin Luther king or how the Kent state shootings happened, or how there was colored and white bathrooms or how long it took those people suffering and their greatest leaders being assassinated(even by your own government-MLK) to gain their basic human rights to Liberty and protections as citizens oft his country. All oft his in part because of people in essence acting as if they were the demon conscious of America whispering in the ear of Americans that it is OK to support the plight of these people and making i t sound OK or somehow a justification to let any person slip through the systems protections into prison complexes and unjust judgement.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"But the marijuana they have today is so much stronger than in the old days" , sure, I bet that the prohibitionists "back in the day" said that about bathtub gin "back in the day" as well.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Agribusiness turns from GMOs to mutagenesis

Do not give up ban all genetic pollution! mutagenesis should fall under future GMO labeling laws. And so should all future techniques at changing the genetics of the food that you eat. governments that are amateurs at genetic manipulation should have no say in your decision to avoid these products.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Ethan Nadelmann Destroys the 'Failed Prohibitionist Policy' of the Drug War

hmmmm, looks like DPA needs to step in, when we see these types of things the movement needs to send more speakers and support for these places to fight these things. then hopefully the problems with this corruption dissipate. If it is the peoples will then it is the peoples will, eventually they will not be able to stand in the way of this any longer, but they need to meet resistance when they pull these stunts so they understand that there are consequences like loss in the public trust every time they do something such as this.Behind the Headlines - 82% Support for Medical Marijuana in Florida

hmmmm, looks like DPA needs to step in, when we see these types of things the movement needs to send more speakers and support for these places to fight these things. then hopefully the problems with this corruption dissipate.
 If it is the peoples will then it is the peoples will, eventually they will not be able to stand in the way of this any longer, but they need to meet resistance when they pull these stunts so they understand that there are consequences like loss in the public trust every time they do something such as this.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. -John Fitzgerald Kennedy-

Teddy Roosevelt stood up to the corporations and won a many times he was, THE TRUST BUSTER You can TOO! Be a modern day Teddy Roosevelt, speaking up is the first step towards once again busting up these chain monopoly's and incarcerating these large individuals who have conspired against our nation and our doctrine of democracy to besmirch it and make it seem as if Democracy and The Ideas Of Freedom our doctrine, could not be or is not good policy.
That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know." -JFK- 35th President of the United States Of America

Anonymous : What is The TPP

Cops start a fight at JFK 50th memorial

this is part of the problem with people just being able to call the police for complaint purposes and not for strictly illegal activity's or emergency's, then our country becomes a fascist state where anyone with an opinion that any citizen does not particularly like is in jeopardy of their safety because the police can be called on. Bureaucracy IS a tool of the fascists and of fascism. Like Grisham said did he tell them the law? no. he decided to break it and go and harass a citizen whom was in the middle of nowhere on a road taking a hike legally open carrying a firearm, and by the way just because one person calls into your department does not mean that person is of the majority opinion in that town. maybe that person could just be an angry neighbor with a grudge that is why it should not be at the polices discretion or anyone's as a matter of fact to decide on the discretion until there is a report that they can say is on the books a crime.
THE only way in which that the constitution is out of date is that corporations and government have learned ways around it as such in how they disregard it as law while writing unconstitutional legislation against all freedoms. The law of the land is not being enforced and therefore we no longer live in a democracy. Maybe this demands clarification by the so called representatives of a democracy or they all be charged with perjury.
Just saying that another country's model for something like European tolerance or harm reduction with full on decrim. does not just magically make the numbers or the truth that it DOES work disappear. It is a sad day when policy is written doing the opposite of what the science says is true and when corporatized private (falsified) science when known liars are held up as having class when they are just being propped up by money and the poor being lied to and bombarded with advertising and culture building through television, not based in roots of reality or life but a culture built with the caveats of a small group of peoples corporate and monied or otherwise interests.

RACIST to Eat Peanut Butter Sandwich? ~ Divide and Rule

Reverend Sanders The Drug War Is The Mask

Thursday, November 21, 2013

these leaders they prove that a minority of men should not have the power to rule over many men. they murder that is all next time you vote remember you vote for a system that no longer represents any majority, not you, not anyone but murderers and liars with which only have dreams of their future crimes(murders). You have all seen the genocide of group after group of people, blacks, gays the drug users the poor the not so adequately represented, and who have they gotten to justify it by painting to you a picture of people as evil, they have gotten you to say yes to discrimination, to hate, the continuing of plight, genocide and even at times murder(WAR). In which I turn you to the bible that says something about men who murder (And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.) So the next time you think of supporting  leader, system, whatever that you, IN YOUR heart know is truly wrong think of the implications of that first. are you going to take part in more mass murder and genocide? OR SAY NO? Please do, before they murder us all, as they view us all as mere pawns on a board.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Senate considers Bitcoin regulations

They could try to make exclusive things that are positive for their country extinct by regulating the bit-coin. but I think it would speed up the burning of Rome and the downfall of the dollar even further in my opinion personally. maybe they could stop their false caring and attack on every free market and we wouldn't have to go down in flames. what happened to the days of the VOC and golden triangle when free markets used to thrive and none of this sissy economics existed that we have today. where regulations and planned obsolescence are more important than quality, innovation or market freedom. no now the US has become what we were running from in the first place, BRITAIN, but worst with even less market freedom. I guess britain is the one laughing now.
 Next time they try to tell you how much they care or care about human rights or how upstanding they are just remember this, your government kills people.

Photographing History: Activist Armed with a Camera | Think Tank

The Truth About Mental Illness and Guns

Supermarket Spies: Tesco to scan customers' faces for better marketing

Monday, November 18, 2013

American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut

Journalists Sneaks Printed Plastic Gun Into Netanyahu Speech And Points ...

Bad trip Bad trip :) looove how the establishment has a bad trip every time the find something or a market that they cannot regulate. looks like the governments themselves don't just protect monopoly's they are the monopoly and they protect the corporation.

What if caffeine were illegal?
Shamanism( A religion that has become De-facto illegal due to the bureaucracy( of the United States and numerous countries around the world.
things will never change until there is a criminal investigation and trial for every corrupt official that has attacked or suppressed people or went against scientific study or common sense. nothing will ever change as long as people continue to live meaningless lives of nothing. full of stupidity and worthless sadomasochism. And a society hijacked by the crowns world renowned spying ability's. If you have ever read history you would understand that we broke off from Britain for the very reasons of what we are doing to our citizens today.  Ask yourself, why would I put it above Britain to infiltrate the very nation created by the dissidents they so very tried to murder in a revolution and sabotage it from the inside out torturing the future citizens of that nation?

Supreme Court refuses to hear case against NSA

FBI entrapped Anonymous and Spied on World Governments

Medical errors kill hundreds of thousands

Why was the TSA not founded after the DB cooper incident?
Before the TSA was founded on November 19, 2001 our country got along just fine for 98 years or since December 17, 1903 just fine without it. This mentality that the world would end without these things is just another dreaming up of paranoia by the state. Sometimes it seems as if the federal government is on drugs because they have a bad trip every time something bad happens and they wont stop having this bad trip until they do something to clamp down on who else but the citizen.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

All drugs are molecules, just because some have come into contact with a molecule that you do not like/ is higher on a list which you have created out of thin air- ( does not instantly make that person any different than you or what you call addict's/junkies That is preposterous and goes above and beyond the meaning of the word bureaucracy-(

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Occupy's 'Strike Debt' buys debt cheaply... then forgives it

I was thinking earlier about if all of these companies are so rich why do they continue with things similar to this (the debts and pricing or like the evil TPP copywrite and monsanto profit protection clauses), I think it is just that they really like to see people hurting and pain.

Infowars Blows The Lid Off TPP Agreement

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Insider Leak: NSA Takeover Plan with Anthony Gucciardi
Could someone file a digital harassment lawsuit against the us government for these throttling attacks or being harassed by the NSA or any of the major ISP's as well for guilt by association?
Just to let you know they can  censor the internet they can even kill the people that are going to physically protest as a result or hold them hostage in torture chambers(prisons or internment camps) for the rest of their lives but the will never change the truth, or stop it. there WILL come a time when the mass ostracizes you that are corrupt and have poisoned the inkwell of democracy and you will have to hide in third world country's and torture those country's people. even then one day those people  will rise up against you, the weak, the exploiters and the en slavers.
Monsanto is trying to intercept our trade deal with the EU so that they can make protest illegal under the guise of profit loss. yet the government pays no mind to the fact that the profits that they speak of are from the genetic murder of the populace worldwide.
One day people will stop putting up with this faue customer service and spread off developing their own company's and products and services and protest government cooperation with corporations for monopoly and innovation will begin again. not false promise and dreams of it that are just a lie.
Personally, im not buying one. they are skimping on the features just like microsoft. I asked the question earlier on in the development if they were going to fix the browsers problems with accepting flash player, and improve upon the ps3's browser problems. never got an answer. and with them making online on ps4 and multiplayer a subscription only who knows if it will even have a browser. I give both ps4 or sony and microsoft a thumbs down. hopefully sony users are intelligent enough to realize that sony is going to be just as bad as microsoft someday soon and not stand for the terrible customer service or skimping off of features instead of real innovation anymore. Sony, what a lie. /

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Journalist Ben Swann on Why MSM Fears Alternative Media

 Journalist Ben Swann says expect massive internet throttling attacks from ISP's targeting alternative media and blogger's in the near future.

Journalist Ben Swann on Why MSM Fears Alternative Media

watch this video the government is currently trying to legalize internet censorship!

Journalist Ben Swann on Why MSM Fears Alternative Media

NY Times Endorses the TPP's Corporate Coup d'état | Brainwash Update

Sunday, November 10, 2013

LAX HOAX - Dummy Confirmed - Witness LIES - Nick Pugh Revealed 9/11 Conn...
The internet has been here for decades. It was only after you saw that people on the internet and through other means stopped the war in Syria, and that people became more effective at criticizing their government online, that you saw people like Jay-Z and the government mouthpieces start talking about cracking down on and over regulating the internet and the Free Speech associated with it. and it brings up another good point of how part of the music industry is possibly bought out by the government. and how some artists like Jay-Z are not talking truth but rhetoric. This may signify that part of there music industry is trying to stir thing's up and does not really signify art or rebellion or on the other hand peace but has different agenda's or goals. just like how the film industry was abused during the days of reefer madness so can the music industry fall victim to the manipulation of government's and cult's.
The internet has been here for decades. It was only after you saw that people on the internet and through other means stopped the war in Syria, and that people became more effective at criticizing their government online, that you saw people like Jay-Z and the government mouthpieces start talking about cracking down on and over regulating the internet and the Free Speech associated with it.

Meanwhile, as the country Crumbles! Obama Golfs Caddyshack Course in Flo...

Why You Should Care: US Generals Fired (E39)


 Because the idea that cults exist is too much for MSM to wrap it's head around. What hate speech towards a group of people.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Manna - psilocybin mushroom inspired documentary - by Simon G. Powell

Million March Missing? MSM ignore masked global outrage

 They always do. Selective media censorship. That is one of the tools of the, what people call Illuminati which is really a hand of the government they use ignorance against those who speak out, that or just excuses. Or like she does and calls skeptical American's crazy, or saying that they somehow believe in conspiracy's or visions of grandeur. I think she is being naive, possibly on purpose. seems like she is defending MSM to me. Is everything to good to be true, because that seems to be your attitude. Don't try to turn every discussion into one of vernacular, that is MSM's job.

'I used to think US best country for privacy & freedom' - Lavabit founder

Sky's the limit: Drones in overloaded air traffic risk collisions

Don't Be Fooled By The Smokescreen, The Economy Is Collapsing -- Episode...

Real Life ObamaCare Denial of Service for Cancer Patient - Death Panels ...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hearing on Abstinence-Only - Knox's Testimony

"I Think It's Disgusting!" Young Lawmaker Hands Japanese Emperor A Lette...

even a god shouldn't be separated from the people and the issues, in a way.
 that's a way for them to create a disconnect, between the emperor and the people and abuse that disconnect for their own uses.

The Education of Shelby Knox trailer

Upside Down World: Callers Say Hitler May Have Been Right

The answer is not eugenics its responsibility. Teach them correctly. All they teach now is abstinence. Not protection, watch the documentary: The Education of Shelby Knox. This video made me think of it. I do believe abortion should be allowed if a woman is raped. Also I believe the male should have equal rights in deciding, because that baby is just as much his as it is hers. The carrier should never be the only one to decide if their baby lives or dies, it should be equally the person who fertilized that eggs decision and right. I can see a world in which women are allowed to hold a child's life over the head of the father. That is this world and it could be happening. Abortion is unregulated. yet the government has trouble wrapping their head around anything else, especially when dealing with right's like plants and trade not being regulated or consumers spied on. We are living in times just like the wild west and may always when the only time governments focus on regulation, is when they can screw over the poor or if there is a financial incentive in doing so.

'Weed consumption is a human rights issue' - Irish MP Luke Flanagan

'Fukushima beyond tragic, it's a crime'

How about they reinforce the building or get international help from smarter people and not kill us all.

They shouldn't leave the water in open air for a second, how about that! These people are like children, playing with atoms. This is madness, stupidity that could wipe us off the face of the planet as a species and create just another planet, either devoid of life or dying mutated life.

 We can focus on stopping a war in Syria, but we cannot even think of a containment plan for fukushima. This makes the human race look like it is the stupidest one on the planet, under apes. Could they not build a containment structure around it? They encased Chernobyl, didn't they. Cement and lead the thing in on itself, do anything but kill us all. PLEASE!

 Please. Think. They don't have to do this. There is a hurricane proof building and similar structures. Build a lead bunker around it. Something. Do not make our species die. I refuse to believe that a couple of men, (tepco.) decide the fate of our entire species future.

They built a giant hangar over Chernobyl.
 Contain it like you contain nuclear waste. contain it! Build a lead bunker, something, anything but this. The waste would catch on fire if you let it overheat in the air, or by accident if the rods bang together. Could it not? Are you willing to risk it? Learn from Chernobyl and the past. Look what they did there. It can be improved on. Encase the thing in a lead structure, something. Are men so greedy that they would seek their own demise than donate money or resources like lead to people to stop this?

Greed won't matter when we all die of cancer because of this extraction. Nothing will. Many buildings are built to withstand earthquakes. Bunkers are invulnerable to all weather, even nukes.
 Every able bodied human being within close proximity to the site, or around the world that cares and has money they would be willing to spend on travel expense should be tasked with building a containment structure. Look at the liquidators in the days of Chernobyl. That's why I think the time thing shouldn't matter, because if enough people are willing to work, and work together the faster you could build around the sight.

'Fukushima beyond tragic, it's a crime'

They built a giant hangar over Chernobyl.
 Contain it like you contain nuclear waste. But contain it! Build a lead bunker, something. Anything but this. The waste would catch on fire if you let it overheat in the air or if the rods hit one another. Could it not happen? Are you willing to risk it? Learn from Chernobyl and the past. Look what they did there. It can be improved on. Encase the thing in a lead structure, something. Are men so greedy that they would seek their own demise, than donate money or resources like lead to people to stop this?

'Fukushima beyond tragic, it's a crime'

 We can focus on stopping a war in Syria, but we cannot even think of a containment plan for fukushima. This makes the human race look like it is the stupidest race on the planet, under apes. Could they not build a containment structure around it? They encased Chernobyl, didn't they? Cement and lead the thing in on itself, do anything but kill us all. PLEASE!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So many hiding people, cowering in fear of threats that do not exist.
As long as you let the apes that rule politics, lie to you and continue to convince you into believing their lies nothing, and I say NOTHING, will ever change. They may even fire people or find some pawn to blame in their own organizations, but I warn you that will not stop anything that has been happening, or cease this abuse from continuing but further under the radar, and under legitimacy and smiling bought and paid for politicians.
Reject reality. It won't change anything.  _Nothing changes then and we go on living in a world where lies supersede truth and write our history books and laws.

'Shut down all nuclear power plants!' Hangout with anti-nuclear activist...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rural Counties In Colorado Blame Secession Vote On Gay Marriage And Mari...

WTF are they talking about? Crazies. Ill tell you, they are saying don't be gay or a cannabis user we are bigots and a couple of miscreants that don't deserve media attention.

Rural Counties In Colorado Blame Secession Vote On Gay Marriage And Mari...

just because you do not want to live in a nanny state does not mean you have to attack legalization and gays. your ridiculous. how about don't picture all potheads and gays as anti gun. bigots.

New Jersey Mall Shooter Found Dead In Basement Of Mall

 let me guess, he was a conspiracy theorist? this is just like the days of the MSM attack on goth kids and Marylin Manson. its the same type of reporting. shootings happen all over the place all the time and have for a long time. it happens. would you rather live in fascism and be molested or be free and know that there is risk in this world. you can be struck by lightning, but they cannot an lightning. Oh but maybe let's ban going outside.
funny how this is the second shooting in a week after none being reported on for a very long time. Its obvious that they are pushing for something here with this attacking people whom speak of corruption in government and know that cults exist. how is believing in a cult that want's to rule the world any less freedom of expression or crazier than anyone elses beliefs in this country? tell me now. OH so convenient how they find these occurrences to attack freedom of speech.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Roosevelt ran on an alternative party platform, and he won. That was at one of the heights of money in politics! With Carnegie and all of them! Stop saying the alternatives can never win. They already have in the past and they can today. If you did not listen to the fake poll's on the Mainstream media that are specifically designed to make you think that it does not matter they would win. one thing that apparently doesn't come to mind when you are watching straight from the mouthpiece of the government the Mainstream media, is that they are allowed to lie to you. so maybe next time do not listen to the MSM's Fake numbers and vote the way that you wish. Mainstream media are all that is the snake oil salesmen of OUR time.Do not forget though that if you are not diligent as a citizen to make sure that others that pop up in alternative party platforms answer questions briefly and appropriately and do not lobby the crowd and are not corrupt then you will see corruption even in alternative party's. because now the alternative party's are a target for the corrupt system and party's, just by existing. Especially because of popularity though. It will attract the corrupt like flies.

Shots Fired Inside Large New Jersey Mall

 After a while desensitization will kick in and false flags will stop scaring people. after a while when this type of thing becomes normal to people they will stop trying to ban guns every time a nut job hurts people. then the MSM will not be able to pray on the victims of these tragedy's to push gun control and unconstitutional infringements.

ObamaCare is Killing Cancer Patients

Drugs Inc 0

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception excerpt
Dominance and military superiority, or the ability to dominate or lord over others (large groups of people) is not an indicator of intellectual superiority or intelligence.
After the occultists in government come for the gun owners and the people who speak freely and all of them are gone do you think that they will be satisfied? who are you to say that they will not come for you next. for your beliefs.

9 11 warnings before it happened & illuminati Symbolism In Movies

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Project Camelot interviews Jane Burgermeister

Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. -Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum address-

 When men take it in their heads to day, to hang gamblers, or burn murderers, they should recollect, that, in the confusion usually attending such transactions, they will be as likely to hang or burn some one who is neither a gambler nor a murderer as one who is; and that, acting upon the example they set, the mob of to-morrow, may, and probably will, hang or burn some of them by the very same mistake. And not only so; the innocent, those who have ever set their faces against violations of law in every shape, alike with the guilty, fall victims to the ravages of mob law; and thus it goes on, step by step, till all the walls erected for the defense of the persons and property of individuals, are trodden down, and disregarded. But all this even, is not the full extent of the evil. quote- Lincolns Lyceum address-

 I know the American People are much attached to their Government;--I know they would suffer much for its sake;--I know they would endure evils long and patiently, before they would ever think of exchanging it for another. Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come. (quote)-Abraham Lincolns Lyceum Address-

Lincoln: Lyceum address part 1

Disarming The American People One Event At A Time -- Episode 204

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said ft. Skylar Grey [Music Video]

"It's Unimaginable For Someone To Make It That Far In An Israeli Airport"

so tsa people that have no training in weapons are allowed to open carry yet American citizens aren't? this video is designed to push for tsa agents with guns. it is a lobbying video for the tsa. I guess that the news is a lobbying platform for corporations.
If your body is your temple why would one defile their body with cremation after death?
I think we have reached the point where it is more uncomfortable for most, to do nothing that to speak out. A turning point in being active in democracy and saying no to corruption. we must learn again to trust our own countrymen, and not accept lies and the falsified narratives of the Mainstream Media.

Planned Obsolescence


 this report was tailored at attacking a group of activists. this is what they did to MLK!


 they would have called for the arrest of JFK. these people need shunned from society. they have abused their authority as reporters.


they themselves are conspiracy theorists. they turned a terrible tragedy into a propaganda speak to openly denounce and attack people who believe things that they do not. they should be arrested for defamation.

DRONE STRIKES & NATIONAL SECURITY! Rep Adam Smith Pounded With Drone Str...


now its the thought crimes telling you that you are a criminal for your beliefs. that is the apitamy of what crimes are used for now. is to make otherwise innocent demographics of people criminals. how about we talk about the disconnect between national and international media that lets these sociopaths portray these messages in such a way. or the fact that adam smith just had a meeting about this winning the narrative BS and spoke about propaganda.

you know they call people conspiracy theorists and try to define them as believing them because they cannot fathom that there are terrible people out there and cannot accept the reality of that. did those people ever begin to think that maybe the person that they label with that name is just tired of being lied to, or knows that events are always used to attack freedoms, did they ever think that those people are ever so wiser than they think. no. The media knows what they do when they discredit people who speak against the narratives that they portray. they are like evil pranksters. they get the brunt of people to not think critically, ostracizing those who are wise. they are like out of control sociopathic children running around getting their peers in trouble for things that they never even did. that is MSM.
If it did not fit their narrative or the story that they wanted then they excluded it. just like how our current mainstream media does and also the government.

Government Brags About Watching Children Naked

Selfies for The Spy State

Planned Obsolescence

How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful: Noam C...

Friday, November 1, 2013

How can they claim that there is religious freedom in this country when they do not even respect the religion of shamanism's customs?

stop the drone strikes Innocent Pakistani drone attack survivors testify in the US

Thursday, October 31, 2013

you have seen with Syria how the will of people CAN stop war and it CAN bring change. And I hope that it has awoken the desire in the people to not be trampled over anymore, and it shows that you can through the system force accountability. but if you do not seek impeachment these men will just commit more crimes and use their words and all of the other tools that they have acquired but do not deserve(because they have learned to abuse those tools and powers eg: media power of pardon , trust, the power to declare war, legal secrecy, highly advanced and regulated technology's and weapons) against the innocents of the world. They think that they are above the laws that they helped to create.  they think that they can continue to war forever and control everything through population control and heirs. they control the masses through arcane means with which they are also abusing. they use control of media to have the mass or the group ostracize truth speakers. they teach you only the wisdom that they want you to have while keeping deeper knowledge or forbidden knowledge to themselves. That makes it easier to get people to accept lies and bully. they got you to accept things like the Iraq war and mass spying didn't they they will sweet talk the populace into anything they want to long as they control the knowledge. that is why you must demand mass change in how our system works. they have the power even to get your own family's to attack you if they wish. they control the mainstream media don't they? that is why you must trust yourself over all. even family.

KUBBY TV #35: Stop the Lies - Analysis by Steve Kubby

End of America A movie you must see to believe YouTube 1

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Obama administration knew millions would lose health insurance

Blowing Up Mountains: Destroying the Environment for Coal

'American public needs real facts about drone strikes'  now you see the criminal tactics that our government uses, and what criminals they are.

[265] Historic Rally Against NSA, Was Michael Hastings Assassinated by a...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Texas Police Assault Legal Gun Owners

the adding of safety features to Oxycontin is the reason for the heroin epidemic that ensued soon after. I really think it is more harm than good and is not the answer to the problems. I read also that many chronic pain patients said that the new formulation was not as effective at treating their pain so then they are really punishing those who need the medications. If anything zohydro would be a benefit and make it more possible to save people from addiction because those addicts are not destroying their liver permanently with chronic over-dosing with acetaminophen. it would lead to longer lives for those whom later would seek recovery and take on healthy lifestyles. in reply to:

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures

Friday, October 25, 2013

DRONE STRIKES & NATIONAL SECURITY! Rep Adam Smith Pounded With Drone Str...

Nihilism:) these people are the nihilists. Obama's nihilism when he wouldn't budge on the corporate death tax/ I mean affordable care act. how about the fact that this is going to happen again in a month or so. because they do not want to decrease the deficit. if anything he is a nihilist comparing real life war with a movie. He is the Pr for the military and is trying to get you used to the idea of war we can no longer afford. financially or as a people. hes trying to justify military action. Just remember it is like Einsteins definition of insanity or Stockholm syndrome if you keep going back to these same special interests for answers you are barking up the wrong tree. so do not be disappointed and depressed when you do not get real answers or real solution. these people should not be trusted, they are bought out by special interests and WILL suck you in. that is the purpose of this video. to make you accept their actions. you are listening to the governments lawyers for is like going to court as the defendant and having the prosecution sides lawyer represent you. he is intentionally loading words that were meant to be used otherwise for people in our society that like to see suffering like him and the corporate elite and people who make fun of people protesting at occupy wall street. or the apathetic people out there.
well there's things called war crimes buddy! Idiot!

DRONE STRIKES & NATIONAL SECURITY! Rep Adam Smith Pounded With Drone Str...

Nihilism:) these people are the nihilists. Obama's nihilism when he wouldn't budge on the corporate death tax/ I mean affordable care act. how about the fact that this is going to happen again in a month or so. because they do not want to decrease the deficit. if anything he is a nihilist comparing real life war with a movie. He is the Pr for the military and is trying to get you used to the idea of war we can no longer afford. financially or as a people. hes trying to justify military action. Just remember it is like Einsteins definition of insanity or Stockholm syndrome if you keep going back to these same special interests for answers you are barking up the wrong tree. so do not be disappointed and depressed when you do not get real answers or real solution. these people should not be trusted, they are bought out by special interests and WILL suck you in. that is the purpose of this video. to make you accept their actions. you are listening to the governments lawyers for is like going to court as the defendant and having the prosecution sides lawyer represent you. he is intentionally loading words that were meant to be used otherwise for people in our society that like to see suffering like him and the corporate elite and people who make fun of people protesting at occupy wall street. or the apathetic people out there.

Ben Swann: Virginia Gov. Race, Blocking The Libertarian Candidate?

How Monsanto Threatens The Entire Planet

Sunday, October 20, 2013

New Law Could Make The SMELL Of LEGAL Marijuana Smoke Punishable By Up T...

possession in public parks are you serious? that goes against legalization. so if you go in a park and you have some grass in your pocket all the sudden you are breaking the law what if you have to go to the park to get home?under the current law it is most likely not allowed in public and if it is then hey ban smoking in public do not say just the very smell can let people fall through the law this is always what they do and the cannabis community should strike down any legislation like this until these bill writers get their act together and come up with something reasonable, this is just an attempt to mess up legalization and insert flaws into it to try to make it fail. these over regulators disgust me.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The reality is that our government is hinting to those that are unintelligent that an activist is like a terrorist basically. All I have to Say is- If Martin Luther King was likened to a terrorist for believing in freedom would blacks have the rights that they have today? would women have the rights that they have today? would gays have the rights they have today? would cannabis advocates have the rights that they have today? maybe say the blacks were being racist against whites for wanting to be able to use the same bathrooms as whites. maybe they were terrorists? do you see how bad this language abuse is now?
Those who lie and wear a metaphorical mask and are what the bible called false prophets and say we are your friend and embed themselves in the very groups that you used to follow and think were righteous are the reason for its downfall. and they are most likely hired agents of the two political party system the oil companies and all of the other interests in governments worldwide. I am talking about the tea party, the libertarians, anyone including the democrats and republicans from the past. when a group is allowed to be infiltrated and led astray from what they believed in to torture those whom had the most fire and want things to be better for all maybe you should look at the ones who destroy new age thinking. those who want to turn real movements like the hippy movements of the 70's into vernacular. people like nixon and those at the bohemian grove. and those that destroy civil rights movements and criminalize those who speak like MLK once did whom were arrested at sit-ins for having a different shade of tan on their skin.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Headline: GMOs against religious freedom?

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures

overliterality and using the condition of being human against someone, especially in a hospital/ clinical setting should not only be wrong but unlawful. especially if one such tries to discredit the patient. one with such a critical job should be held more accountable for their actions. especially since at times they can be life or death to someone. always remember too. we are not that far away in history from the days of abuse that used to plague the medical field.
knowledge is power, once you have that knowledge you have to tell yourself am I going to abuse knowledge and be just another one of those with which the power structure abuses or am I going to break that cycle and not be abused, treated as if I was a crop fit for harvesting.

US Customs seized Natures Trendz legally owned hemp products